In 2018, Commonwealth leaders committed to halving malaria by 2023. Despite significant efforts to maintain malaria programming through the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commonwealth is off-track to meet that commitment, the 2022 Commonwealth Malaria Report has revealed
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New Commonwealth malaria report launched at annual health ministers’ meeting
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The 34th edition of the Commonwealth Health Ministers’ Meeting (CHMM) opened yesterday with a call from ministers for governments to build sustainable and resilient health systems that can withstand future crises and advance Universal Health Coverage (UHC) goals towards global health security.
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Commonwealth health ministers unite on post-COVID-19 health agenda
Ministers of Health from the Commonwealth are set to meet on the 17th and 19th of May for their annual meeting to discuss lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery efforts.
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Commonwealth health ministers to discuss post-COVID priorities at annual meeting
17 May 2022 to 19 May 2022
Commonwealth Health Ministers will meet for their annual meeting in May 2022, to discuss lessons learnt from COVID-19 responses to build recovery, improve the resilience of health systems and advance UHC goals.
As we mark World Malaria Day today, urgent action must be taken to accelerate progress towards our elimination goals.
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Blog: Why our moment to accelerate malaria elimination efforts is here
As we mark World Health Day under the theme ‘Our Planet, Our Health’, we are reminded of the urgency to catalyse ambitious targets to build low-carbon and climate-resilient health systems to enable net zero emissions and ensure the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
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Blog: Why we need environmentally-friendly health solutions
As we look towards CHOGM in June where Commonwealth Heads of Government will renew commitments set in 2018 to halve malaria by 2023 and accelerate access to quality eye care for all by 2020, seven countries convened earlier this month to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on malaria and trachoma programmes.
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Blog: The road to CHOGM – Commonwealth countries discuss efforts to accelerate malaria and trachoma elimination
The Commonwealth Secretariat and global non-profit PATH are joining forces to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines across the Commonwealth, while also striving to eliminate malaria and address other public health challenges.
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Commonwealth and PATH join forces to advance health equity
International HPV Awareness Day is a timely reminder to recognise young people as Commonwealth change agents, whose efforts will undoubtedly be a force for good on our road to eliminating HPV and making cervical cancer a thing of the past
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Blog: Youth as agents of change for HPV awareness and elimination of cervical cancer
Memorandum of Understanding agreement signed today focuses on ending the COVID-19 pandemic, advancing Universal Health Coverage, addressing vaccine equity, strengthening digital health systems and working towards global health security
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Commonwealth and WHO to strengthen cooperation on health, including access to vaccines
Every ten seconds in the Commonwealth someone is diagnosed with cancer, and every 18 seconds someone dies because of cancer.
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World Cancer Day: Reducing the rising cancer burden in the Commonwealth
Learn more about how the Health section convenes member countries
Learn more about Accelerating UHC and Other Commonwealth Commitments
Report urges governments to build resilient education systems to ensure sustained learning for all.
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New education study offers strategies to fill COVID learning gaps
7 February 2022 to 7 February 2022
On 7 February 2022, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the World Health Organization (WHO) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their collaboration in seven priority areas.
Learn more about this area of our work.
Learn more about our work to build equitable and resilient health systems for Commonwealth citizens
On Human Rights Day, The Commonwealth's Dr Shavana Haythornthwaite and Dr Justin Pettit, explain that human rights are also a crucial part of the solution to effectively addressing environmental degradation and climate change.
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Human Rights Day: From recognition to action on the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment
During London Global Cancer Week (15-19 November), the Commonwealth Secretariat hosted two events to shine a spotlight on cancer, one of the leading causes of morbidity and death in the world.
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London Global Cancer Week 2021
After three years in the making, last week the Commonwealth Secretariat launched its new Voluntary Information and Price-Sharing database (VIPSD). One-third of the world’s population lacks access to essential medicines, with most of them living in poor countries, while rising prices of new drugs are becoming a challenge in wealthy states. And, since the global Covid-19 pandemic, the urgent need for essential medicines has intensified.
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Commonwealth Launches Voluntary Information and Price Sharing Database
At UNCTAD15 in Barbados, Commonwealth Secretary-General spoke on a hybrid virtual and in-person roundtable on the theme of ‘Regional integration for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable future’.
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Our most urgent priority must be greater access to vaccines, says Commonwealth Secretary-General at UNCTAD15
A new tracker has been launched to help Commonwealth countries monitor progress towards halving malaria cases by 2023 and ultimately ending the disease by 2030.
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Malaria tracker launched to help affected Commonwealth countries tackle the disease
A blog by Tukiya-Kaunda Mutupa, a Health Consultant at the Commonwealth Secretariat
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Blog: Why the current state of cervical cancer reveals global inequities
Commonwealth health ministers have today issued a joint statement after their annual meeting in which they called for swift and equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for everyone around the world. In the statement on behalf of the 54 Commonwealth member countries, they expressed deep concern over the stark gaps in access and delivery of doses, especially in poor countries, and called for “fair and transparent” pricing for the vaccine.
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Commonwealth health ministers demand equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for the world
The Commonwealth Secretariat and the Union for International Cancer Control have launched a new taskforce to step up efforts towards preventing and treating cervical cancer.
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New taskforce to help steer Commonwealth towards cervical cancer elimination