Continuing determined action is needed for malaria rates to fall by more than 50 per cent by 2023 to meet the target set out by Commonwealth leaders, the Secretary-General urged on World Malaria Day.
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Commonwealth countries must sustain action on halving malaria by 2023 amid COVID-19
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Poorer countries will most likely “bear the brunt of hundreds of thousands of needless deaths” from inequalities in access to Covid-19 vaccines.
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Poor countries could face grave death toll from lack of access to Covid vaccines
Commonwealth Law Ministers have called for increased international co-operation to enable equal access to Covid-19 vaccinations.
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Law Ministers call for international co-operation on COVID-19 vaccines
Today, people across the globe will pause to focus on one of the most persistent and vicious epidemics in our history: AIDS. Three letters that have caused unprecedented suffering and loss across generations and around our world.
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World AIDS Day: Eliminating triple threat of HIV, gender-based violence and cervical cancer
Health advocates, cancer survivors and celebrities have joined the Commonwealth’s campaign to eradicate cervical cancer in its 54 countries.
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Health advocates, survivors and celebrities join Commonwealth campaign against cervical cancer
The Commonwealth will lead a global movement this week aimed at urging countries to make an ambitious plan to eliminate the most preventable cancers.
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Commonwealth leads global movement on cancer prevention
Isaac Folorunso Adewole, a former Nigerian Minister of Health and professor of gynaecology and obstetrics, writes about the Commonwealth working together to change the narrative on cervical cancer.
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Commonwealth working together to change the narrative on cervical cancer
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has impressed upon member countries the importance of examining mental health legislation to see whether it is in line with the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
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World Mental Health Day: Commonwealth Secretary-General urges countries to modernise mental health legislation
Activity and sport are necessary parts of young people’s daily rhythm. We go to the gym, not just for the exercise, but also for the opportunity to socialise. A run in the park offers a chance to meet-up and perhaps play a game of football.
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BLOG: How a new sporting course can boost health and community spirit during COVID
The Commonwealth’s Secretary-General has encouraged the international community to take urgent multilateral action to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General calls for urgent global response to coronavirus at World Health Assembly
Commonwealth health ministers have agreed to coordinate their response in tackling the coronavirus pandemic.
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Commonwealth health ministers agree to share advice and solutions in coronavirus battle
Countries should maintain essential health care to non-COVID-19 patients while dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
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Commonwealth countries must maintain essential non-COVID health care while tackling coronavirus pandemic
A stalwart campaigner who fought on global health issues affecting the Commonwealth’s 2.4 billion people has sadly died.
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Commonwealth adviser worked tirelessly to improve health of billions
As the COVID-19 pandemic impacts communities across the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth is urging countries and their citizens to make use of the information and resources provided by the World Health Organization.
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Commonwealth urges use of World Health Organization Whats App service
Leading health officials are calling for urgent action to reduce the number of cancer cases in the Commonwealth, which are above global averages.
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Health officials urge action amidst rising cancer cases in Commonwealth
Health ministers from Southern African countries are being urged to secure the political will to prioritise funds which will fast-track the delivery of universal health coverage in the region.
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‘Funding universal health coverage benefits go beyond well-being,’ Southern African ministers told
At the annual Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting in Geneva on Sunday, ministers discussed the need to prioritise women, youth, people with disabilities and vulnerable groups, in their ongoing push towards universal health coverage (UHC).
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Health ministers focus on the needs of the most vulnerable
Commonwealth ministers of health will meet this Sunday, 19 May in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss how to accelerate universal health coverage (UHC) in their countries, in order to safeguard vulnerable populations.
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Ministers rally behind universal health coverage
19 May 2019 to 19 May 2019
The annual Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting will gather officials from 53 countries in Geneva, Switzerland on 19 May, to discuss how to accelerate universal health coverage (UHC) in their countries, ensuring no one is left behind.
Namibia’s Ombudsman has conducted a roundtable on sexual orientation and gender identity in his country with support from the Commonwealth. The conference builds on an earlier roundtable that focused on sexual and reproductive health and rights.
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Education, health and language key to inclusion of sexual minorities in Namibia
At the 30th Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting in Geneva, government representatives discussed a series of bold proposals
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Major health summit offers “springboard for action”
Tackling preventable diseases, funding universal healthcare and guaranteeing cervical cancer screening for girls are among the topics that will be addressed by Commonwealth ministers at a major health summit.
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Health Ministers set to agree on bold action to improve the lives of Commonwealth citizens
An agreement signed today in Apia, Samoa will strengthen cooperation between the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Pacific Community on healthcare.
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Agreement on healthcare signed with Pacific Community
Commonwealth health ministers concluded their one-day meeting on Sunday with agreements on universal health coverage, global security and violence prevention.
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Health ministers commit to practical action on UHC
Commonwealth Health Ministers will gather for their annual meeting in Geneva on 21 May 2017, on the eve of the 70th World Health Assembly.
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Health Ministers to call for sustainable financing mechanisms