The Commonwealth Secretariat organised its first Commonwealth Pavilion at COP26 to serve as an inclusive and collaborative space for member countries and accredited organisations to meet, host side events, convene meetings and showcase research. Here are some of the highlights from the first week of COP26 at the Commonwealth Pavilion.
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Commonwealth Pavilion at COP26: Week 1 highlights
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National Parks and marine protected areas in The Bahamas both exemplify and help protect the archipelago’s vast marine and terrestrial ecosystems. But despite their important role, they are often ignored by the local community, who rarely visit or feel pride for them. To rekindle this lost relationship, Elijah raises awareness of the parks and marine protected areas and impacts of climate change through visual storytelling, which he believes is more effective for communicating with people than complex data and graphs.
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Blog: Connecting local communities with National Parks in The Bahamas
The Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has appealed to world leaders attending the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 to close the gap in ongoing negotiations this week in Glasgow, with millions of lives and livelihoods on the line in climate-vulnerable countries.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General calls on leaders to “dig deeper” in climate talks for the sake of vulnerable nations
A new toolkit launched in the margins of the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 aims to unlock clean energy investments for small island nations, many of whom rely heavily on imported fossil fuels for power generation.
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New toolkit to boost clean energy investments in small island nations
Leaders from Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific have expressed their strong support for a proposed ‘Living Lands Charter’ that will spur cooperation among 54 nations to manage land use sustainably, protect the natural world and fight climate change.
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High hopes for Commonwealth joint action on climate, biodiversity and land
Breaking the world’s reliance on fossil fuels and accelerating the global uptake of renewable energy will play a decisive role in diminishing the threat of global warming to the survival of life on earth, according to experts. But turning the vision into reality will demand unwavering political will and, critically, massive investment, which can no longer be shouldered solely by aid and development partners.
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Mobilising the ‘Tools’ for renewable energy investment in the Seychelles
The Commonwealth Secretariat in collaboration with Mayer Brown assist the reform of national energy laws with a new online tool
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Fighting the climate crisis through energy law reform
The Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has called for developed countries to finally honour the decade-long pledge to make $100 billion available each year to fight climate change in developing countries.
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Climate finance a “fundamental issue of trust”: Commonwealth Secretary-General
Days before the global COP26 climate talks began in Glasgow, HRH The Prince of Wales met with the Commonwealth Secretary-General, The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC for a high-level discussion at Clarence House, to call attention to the crucial importance of sustainable urbanisation in tackling climate change.
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HRH The Prince of Wales and Commonwealth Secretary-General discuss critical role of sustainable cities ahead of COP26
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has called for all countries to deliver an ambitious and transformative outcome at the imminent UN Climate Change Conference COP26, while appealing for increased support for the smallest and most vulnerable nations.
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Commonwealth chief calls for "highest possible ambition" at COP26
As the countdown to COP26 continues, young environmental activists and innovators, academics, experts, and government officials joined a series of regional dialogues to help set the youth agenda at the conference.
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Commonwealth Youth gearing up to lead COP26 talks
Blog by Samuel Ogallah, Commonwealth National Climate Finance Adviser to Eswatini
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An ambitious, stakeholder driven climate change commitment ahead of COP26: Eswatini’s revised Nationally Determined Contribution process
Emerging Commonwealth scientists win big in ocean innovation contest
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Emerging Commonwealth scientists win in ocean innovation contest
In the third blog in a series of interviews with young climate leaders, we meet Mogesh Sababathy, a marine activist from Malaysia. He is also an example of how young people across the world can work with education institutions, businesses and governments to amplify their voices on environmental issues that affect all of us.
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Blog: How to engage young people to protect their ocean in Malaysia and beyond
As part of our youth climate blog series ahead of COP26, meet Kushaal Raj, Acting Manager for Climate Change and the Ocean Specialist for the Ministry of Economy, Government of Fiji, where he develops ocean policy and provides technical expertise for international negotiations on ocean-related climate challenges.
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Blog: Meet the young climate official championing Fiji’s oceans
The following blog is based on a speech the author presented to the UK-Pacific High Level Dialogue on Climate Change in July 2021, which has been adapted and updated for this website.
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Inaction at COP26 to cost lives and livelihoods
<em>A blog by Christine Awiti, Economic Advisor, Commonwealth Secretariat</em>
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Two challenges, One solution: Debt for Climate Swaps, an Innovative Financing Instrument Resolving a Dual Threat
After an unprecedented pan-Commonwealth search for innovative satellite-driven solutions to tackle the challenges of the climate emergency and ocean sustainability, the Satellite Applications Catapult and the Commonwealth Secretariat are delighted to announce the inaugural finalists of the Hack the Planet competition 2021.
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Hack the Planet Competition 2021 finalists offer innovative climate and ocean solutions
This week, Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, will push for bold and swift action in supporting small and vulnerable states to fight the global interlinked crises of climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and their resulting economic fallout.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General to attend UNCTAD15 Conference in Barbados to urge for rapid action against multiple global crises
More than 2,000 young leaders and youth-led organisations from across the Commonwealth are urging governments to respect the needs and contributions of the world’s most vulnerable groups, in the lead up to global climate talks in Glasgow in November.
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Young people urge leaders to protect most vulnerable against climate change
This blog about young scientist and 'plastic warrior' Kristal Ambrose is the first in a series launched during Youth4Climate and continuing in the lead up to COP26 and beyond, featuring young people from across the Commonwealth who are leading the way on local climate action.
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Blog: How one young scientist is tackling plastic pollution in The Bahamas
Sepesa Curuki and his community are coming to terms with the prospect of relocation from Cogea village on Fiji’s second-largest island of Vanua Levu. Their village, which lies between two rivers that flow into the Pacific Ocean only 2km away, has been battered by intense and frequent cyclones, flooding and erosion, threatening their very existence.
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How satellite technologies can aid Fiji and the Pacific to build climate resilience
Foreign Affairs Ministers from across the Commonwealth met yesterday for the 21st annual Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting (CFAMM). The meeting was held virtually for the second year in a row due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers meet to discuss COVID19, vaccines and climate change
IPS spoke to Commonwealth Secretary-General the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC about the Association’s climate initiatives, the unique challenges faced by small states, its focus on gender mainstreaming and access to financing for critical adaptation and mitigation projects.
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In a Watershed Year for Climate Change, the Commonwealth Secretary-General calls for Urgent, Decisive and Sustained Climate Action
During a visit to The Bahamas this week, the Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland called for urgent action to ensure improved climate resilience of small states and promised to amplify the concerns of small and other vulnerable states at the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow this November.
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Commonwealth to champion climate-vulnerable small states at COP26