Born out of the Commonwealth’s recognition of an SDG implementation deficit, the Commonwealth in collaboration with the Government of Malta and the Small States Centre of Excellence, will host the Commonwealth’s inaugural “Award for Excellence in SDG Implementation” on 26-27 June in Malta.
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Blog: SDG Implementation: Has best become the enemy of better?
Main page for this area of work
To mark World Oceans Day, Head of Oceans and Natural Resources Nicholas Hardman-Mountford shares how the Blue Charter can help spur lasting global change towards sustainable ocean governance.
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Blog: Commonwealth Blue Charter - A beacon of hope for the future of ocean governance
In commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Small States Centre of Excellence in Malta has organised a debate titled: Effects of Climate Change on Small States: Race against time?
Samoa faced huge flooding in 2018 after torrential rain fell overnight, leaving a trail of destruction, 330 people evacuated and $10 million of infrastructural damage. The lessons learned from this experience made Samoa a suitable location to host the fifth Commonwealth Global Biennial Conference on Small States under the theme ‘Building Resilience Through Disaster Risk Reduction’. The conference brought together officials from 23 small states and 20 development agencies to discuss disaster risk financing solutions.
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Samoa conference inspires action on boosting small states’ resilience to disasters
The Commonwealth’s Climate Finance Access Hub aims to more than double the number of advisers deployed to help vulnerable countries unlock funds to tackle climate change.
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Climate hub steps up ambition on finance targets
More than 500 representatives from governments, non-profits and global conglomerates joined forces to accelerate resilience building in Caribbean countries still recovering from hurricane devastation.
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Commonwealth joins global pact to help hurricane devastated countries
The Commonwealth Secretary-General described young people as the “hope and win” at the COP24 climate change negotiations that concluded earlier in December.
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Young people the “hope and real deal” at COP24
With global climate talks freshly concluded last weekend in Katowice, Poland, some Commonwealth countries are already working towards a stronger ocean focus at next year’s negotiations in Chile.
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Ocean focus expected in next round of climate talks
During the last leg of negotiations at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP24) this week in Poland, the Prime Minister of Tuvalu – an island nation of about 11,000 people located in the South Pacific acutely threatened by climate change – has called on the Commonwealth to leverage its 53-strong membership for climate action.
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Tuvalu Prime Minister calls for Commonwealth strategic support on climate
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland is backing redoubled efforts by the Commonwealth family of 53 countries to fight climate change, in light of a sobering report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) calling for “rapid and far-reaching” actions to keep global warming below 1.5°C.
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Climate change efforts are ‘race against time’ – Secretary General
What is the Climate Finance Access Hub (CFAH) and how does it help Commonwealth countries achieve their climate ambitions? The CFAH is the initiative by the Commonwealth to support the climatically-vulnerable countries of the Commonwealth in building their technical capacities and improving the flow of finance for projects to address climate change.
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Ask the Expert: COP24 and Climate Finance in the Commonwealth
While billions of pounds have been pledged to tackle climate change, much more is required to turn the tide on global warming.
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More work needed to turn climate billions into action: Secretary-General
“Real experiences” are what drove some Commonwealth countries to take up the banner for the ocean, stepping forward to champion action groups of like-minded members working together to tackle some of the world’s most pressing ocean problems.
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Commonwealth ocean action gains traction at COP24
Climate change affects women more profoundly than men. Often, women bear the brunt of extreme weather events because they lack economic, political and legal power, especially in developing countries.
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Blog: Gender and Climate Change – where are we and what next?
Caribbean leaders and senior officials have agreed to accelerate joint action to build resilience to disasters, stressing climate action as a matter of their survival.
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Caribbean leaders united in race against climate change
2 December 2018 to 14 December 2018
COP24 provides opportunities for the Commonwealth to advocate on behalf of our member countries, especially for the concerns of small and other vulnerable states who are most threatened by climate change.
The Government of Seychelles in collaboration with the Commonwealth has launched the ‘Blue Economy Strategic Framework and Roadmap’ to build its ocean-based economy.
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Roadmap to boost Seychelles’ blue ocean economy
Commonwealth finance ministers concluded their annual meeting today in Bali, Indonesia, by endorsing key strategies aimed at helping countries reduce disaster risk.
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Finance ministers endorse strategies to reduce disaster risk
Central bank governors from Commonwealth countries backed a proposal to create a toolkit that will help banks leverage technological innovations in the finance sector to maximise economic growth.
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Central bank heads keen to benefit from Fintech toolkit
Finance ministers from the 53 member countries of the Commonwealth will meet in the margins of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank annual meetings this week in Bali, Indonesia, to discuss financing solutions to help counter the risk of natural disasters in their countries.
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Commonwealth finance ministers explore new strategies to manage disaster risk
An innovative new toolkit has been piloted in Barbados to support lawmakers in assessing national laws and outlining reforms towards implementing the Paris Agreement on climate change.
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New toolkit reviews Barbados’s climate change and energy laws
The Commonwealth’s hub for climate finance celebrated key milestones this week, including the mobilisation of £3.7 million for climate-vulnerable countries, with another £135 million in the pipeline.
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“The Hub” helps vulnerable countries tap crucial climate funds
The Republic of Mauritius will share valuable marine protection know-how with other Commonwealth countries, using the Commonwealth Blue Charter as a platform to exchange best practices, collaborate on research, and carry out training workshops.
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Mauritius expertise to back Commonwealth fight for coral reefs
The reality is that small and vulnerable states encounter well-documented challenges in accessing international climate finance. The most notable is the complex funding landscape, which has a number of actors and complex procedures.
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Antigua and Barbuda: Destined for climate finance success
18 June 2018 to 21 June 2018
Interactive Session: Learning and Knowledge Sharing (South-South and North-South) As a Tool for Cooperation for Adaptation