Youth has an increasingly crucial role to play in reducing pollution and protecting our planet, said the Antigua and Barbuda Minister of Health and Environment, Molwyn Joseph, at an event to commemorate World Environment Day.
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Climate experts mark World Environment Day with event in Antigua and Barbuda
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Jamaica received a US$0.6 million grant to fund REDD+ readiness actions as part of its Forest Policy, through the support of the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub.
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Jamaica secures climate finance with Commonwealth support
Fiji’s Prime Minister, Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, has urged Commonwealth heads of government to deliver on their commitments to cut CO2 emissions.
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Fiji urges governments to honour climate change commitments
Globally, the number of climate disasters has tripled since 1980, while, hot weather in 2016 broke the historic record set in 2015. Climate change threatens all nations and peoples regardless of their location or economy. The Commonwealth represents 53 countries many of these are least developed; small or most vulnerable to climate change.
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Target setting for climate change
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has met Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on her first official visit to New Zealand.
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New Zealand and Commonwealth pledge to collaborate on climate change
The Commonwealth’s Climate Finance Access Hub (CFAH) is playing a role in the emerging area of Blue Carbon.
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Climate Finance Hub to support blue carbon
Traditional dancers greeted Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland and Fiji Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama at the official opening of the 20th Conference of the Commonwealth Education Ministers.
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Sustainable and resilient education essential to tackle climate change
Blog by Katherine Kennedy, Head of Climate Change, at the second day of the World Sustainable Development Summit in Delhi.
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Solar power – essential for sustainable development
Jamaica is setting the stage for private sector investment in support of low carbon, climate resilient growth after signing its second readiness Grant Agreement with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) at the Jamaica House in Kingston.
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Climate Finance Access Hub produces results – mobilising the private sector in Jamaica
Permanent and irreversible damage caused by climate change can only be tackled by collective action, Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has said.
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Collective action key to halting climate change damage
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has said that climate change requires a complete regenerative revolution in the way we interact with our environment.
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Commonwealth leaders to consider practical action on climate change
A new online resource that supports climate change law-making is to be unveiled at COP23 in Bonn this week. The Law and Climate Change Toolkit is aimed at government policy makers responsible for developing laws that help implement the Paris Agreement.
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New law and climate change toolkit unveiled at COP23
Secretary-General Patricia Scotland praised the resilience and resolve of Antiguans and Barbudans as she attended an independence day celebration and visited a shelter for those affected by Hurricane Irma.
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Hurricane Irma victims crying out for action on climate change
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has urged all 52 member states to attend next month’s Commonwealth Law Ministers’ meeting so they can progress ways to combat climate change.
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Climate change: ‘a moment to see what we can do’
Anthony Polack, Climate Finance Access Hub expert speaks about his experience in Vanuatu
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Tackling climate change in Vanuatu
This year the Commonwealth’s Climate Finance Access Hub began deploying experts to ministries of finance and environment to help developing countries access the billions of dollars pledged for effective climate action.
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Tackling climate change in Mauritius
Global warming could have a devastating impact on Caribbean countries, according to experts from the Commonwealth Secretariat and across the region.
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Commonwealth warns of climate change threat to Caribbean states
Some of the world’s leading environmental experts will meet at a Commonwealth conference this week to see how they can take forward an innovative strategy to reverse the human impact of climate change.
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Commonwealth to unveil ‘revolutionary’ approach to climate change
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland was delighted to welcome Fiji’s High Commissioner, Jitoko Tikolevu, to the Secretariat’s headquarters in London today.
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Climate change, oceans and education talks with Fiji High Commissioner
Leading experts and scientists have published a manifesto setting out commitments to reverse the human impact of climate change.
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Environmentalists pledge action on climate change
The Commonwealth’s Head of Climate Finance and Small States, Denny Lewis-Bynoe, explains why 2016 marked a turning point in the global battle against climate change, and why it is crucial that the world builds upon this momentum in 2017.
2016 was a pivotal year for climate change.
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2016 was a pivotal year for climate change – but what next?
2016 was a pivotal year for climate change.
A blog by Reginald Darius, head of economic policy in the Commonwealth Secretariat.
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Fiscal vulnerabilities and climate change
Legal experts from key international organisations, including the Commonwealth Secretariat, are meeting to develop a climate change legal toolkit to help countries carry out the Paris Agreement.
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Global collaboration on climate change legal toolkit
Small and vulnerable developing countries participating in global climate talks have expressed optimism that the Commonwealth will help them to access badly needed climate finance.
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Countries laud Commonwealth ‘leadership and activism’ on climate change
“Young people are brave. Their actions, challenging political correctness and status quo, will continue to inspire, revolutionise and change the mindsets of policy-makers towards a safer, resilient and more equitable world.”
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Young people have role to play in delivering Paris climate change agreement