Commonwealth national climate finance advisers have begun work in Belize, Eswatini, Seychelles and Zambia to help them access funding to tackle climate change.
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Commonwealth deploys top national climate finance advisers in Belize, Eswatini, Seychelles and Zambia
Main page for this area of work
17 September 2020 to 18 September 2020
The Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification are organising a high-level side event in the margins of the United Nations General Assembly.
The Commonwealth, through the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub has supported Saint Lucia to secure a new climate finance grant from the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). The $200,000 grant will enhance the climate resilience of local communities in Saint Lucia.
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Commonwealth support secures grant to help St Lucia build climate resilience
Powerful satellite technology can help Caribbean countries better manage natural disasters and boost climate resilience, as the region braces for a busy hurricane season.
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Rapid mapping technology to help Caribbean through looming hurricane season
The Commonwealth Secretariat is calling on member countries to consider the impact of agriculture, forestry and land use on climate change as they update their climate targets.
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Commonwealth calls for governments to intensify action on land use to meet climate targets
Commonwealth countries committed to saving the ocean will benefit from new knowledge gained from the Seychelles, which has just designated almost a third of its ocean as marine protected areas (MPAs).
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Seychelles milestone offers lessons on marine protection
The Secretary-General joined climate finance advisers and technical experts from the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub in a virtual meeting to mark the success of recent applications in Tonga and Antigua and Barbuda.
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Commonwealth countries celebrating successful applications for climate funding, following support from Secretariat
The Commonwealth has signed a new agreement with NDC Partnership to support Zambia and Belize with their climate action plans.
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Commonwealth to support Zambia and Belize to enhance climate action
The Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub has helped Tonga secure a grant of over $1.6 million USD from the Green Climate Fund to help the country adapt to climate change.
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Commonwealth helps Tonga become first Pacific Island to receive adaptation planning grant
The Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub has supported Mauritius to secure a €600,000 grant to help smallholder farmers adapt to the changing climate in Mauritius.
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Commonwealth support secures grant to help Mauritian farmers adapt to changing climate
The Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub has successfully helped Jamaica to secure a grant of over US$270,000 to integrate gender concerns into their climate action planning process.
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Commonwealth helps Jamaica secure grant to promote gender responsive climate action
The tranquil waters and palm-lined beaches in Barbados mask a rising threat. That this same water can engulf and endanger all if ample action is not taken.
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Drought-hit Barbados aims for one million trees to mitigate climate impact
Climate change will be high on the agenda when Commonwealth Heads of Government meet in Rwanda this year - more than three decades after their predecessors recognised the threat and drew up a visionary action plan to avert the crisis.
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Commonwealth commitment to environment has deep roots
The Secretary-General will reassure Caribbean leaders that the Commonwealth will keep fighting for bold climate action on the global stage.
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Secretary-General will attend CARICOM summit in Barbados to spur speedy climate action
The Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub has successfully helped Tonga to secure a grant from the Green Climate Fund to reform the country’s solar electricity body.
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Tonga secures nearly $500k grant to improve solar electricity generation
Cyclones in the Caribbean and Pacific, devastating bushfires in Australia, recurrent floods and droughts in Asia and Africa, increasingly bring tragic loss of life to our nations and communities, causing irreparable damage to centuries old ways of life.
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Extreme Events Are Reversing Development Goals
The Commonwealth Secretary-General has called for raised ambitions and intensified climate action in light of sobering reports by the world’s top climate scientists.
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More ambition needed to avert climate crisis
One of Seychelles’ youngest executives is calling for countries to put more trust in young people as leaders on climate change issues.
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Young CEO empowers women, youth in climate fight
2 December 2019 to 13 December 2019
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland will be leading a delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference, COP25 to be held in Madrid, Spain, from 2 to 13 December.
One of Sri Lanka’s most widely-acclaimed artists has a message for young people in the Commonwealth: “move together” in the fight against climate change.
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Sri Lankan artist sounds climate alarm in new paintings
In an increasingly changing environment and warming climate which threatens the very existence of mankind, good data and information on exactly what is happening has never been more important.
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Blog: Leading the fight from above: Space technologies for enhanced climate action
The Commonwealth has entered into an innovative partnership with a UN agency to enhance climate action and disaster preparedness via satellite earth observation.
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Commonwealth enters new partnership to enhance climate action in small states
The Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub has helped Tonga secure a grant to put the country on the path towards low carbon emissions and climate-resilient development. The Green Climate Fund grant will pay for a two-year ‘readiness programme’ preparing Tonga’s National Designated Authority to better engage with the Green Climate Fund and manage activities sponsored by the fund in the country.
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Tonga receives $500,000 climate readiness grant from Green Climate Fund with Commonwealth support
An increasingly important aspect of Commonwealth cooperation to fulfil our collective commitment to sustainable development is our work on halting - and wherever possible - reversing the very severe desertification and degradation which occurs when land is used carelessly or too intensively.
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Blog: Commonwealth nations are cooperating to reverse land degradation and desertification
“We are in trouble. We are in deep trouble with climate change. Climate change is running faster than we are and we must catch up sooner rather than later, before it is too late”. United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres at UNFCCC, COP 24
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Blog: Leading the fight from above: Space technologies for enhanced climate action