Latest content: Commonwealth Climate Change Programme

The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, visited Vanuatu on April 29th and 30th to address climate justice and climate action issues for the Pacific. Her visit came at a critical time for Vanuatu, which is still recovering from the devastating impact of two Category 4 cyclones, Judy and Kevin, that hit the country in early March.
Read news - Commonwealth Secretary-General Visits Vanuatu Post-Cyclone Judy and Kevin to Discuss Climate Action and Climate Justice
Human life is sacred and every individual deserves an equal chance in life. We have a common desire, we all want to lead a free, fulfilling existence, with dignity, where our basic needs are met, with opportunities to advance and equal treatment under the law. These are fundamental human rights, protected by international law, which we all have a shared responsibility to protect.
Read news - If we value human rights and the rule of law, then we must fight for climate justice
Collaborative action is vital to prevent the runaway effects of climate change and loss of biodiversity, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, has told a conference of global leaders and experts on Thursday.
Read news - 'A solution is going to take all of us': Commonwealth Secretary-General urges immediate action on climate change and loss of biodiversity
There is a water crisis in Zambia – and it is deteriorating. Climate change has caused rainfall to dwindle, and in drought-prone areas, streams, rivers and lakes are drying up. Women and children are forced to walk longer distances to gain access to clean and safe water, while farmers must deal with lower crop yields and changing seasons. Millions of people’s lives and livelihoods are being impacted.
Read news - Blog: How the Commonwealth is helping Zambia to manage a priceless hidden resource
15 December 2022 to 15 December 2022
This side event, organised by the Commonwealth Secretariat, will spotlight experiences in implementing Nature-based Solutions, facilitate a discussion to solve identified challenges and explore opportunities for scaling, and raise awareness on the work programme under the Commonwealth Living Lands Charter.