Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation (CFTC)
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As the OMICRON variant threatens a wave of global havoc, the 1.8 billion young people worldwide remain vulnerable to the persisting impact of Covid-19, and support from Youth Workers is needed now more than ever.
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Blog: Why Namibia’s new degree for Youth Workers is a pathway to empowerment
Is it possible to eradicate discrimination in sport? If we rewind a few months to the abhorrent racism displayed at the Euro cup finals it could seem like a futile pursuit.
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How the unifying power of sport in the Commonwealth can change society
Youth workers across the Commonwealth united at the Secretariat’s virtual world café to discuss hope, critical pedagogies, and the continuing relevance of Paulo Freire, in the year that marks the 100th anniversary of his birth.
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Commonwealth hosts second collaborative virtual youth work café celebrating 100 years of Paulo Freire
During London Global Cancer Week (15-19 November), the Commonwealth Secretariat hosted two events to shine a spotlight on cancer, one of the leading causes of morbidity and death in the world.
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London Global Cancer Week 2021
The Commonwealth Secretariat Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Unit has held a series of intergovernmental webinars as part of its continued work on preventing terrorist use of the internet.
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Commonwealth works to build an internet safer from terrorism
18 November 2021 to 18 November 2021
On November 18, the Commonwealth will host two events as part of the annual London Global Cancer Week and put a spotlight on one of our most devastating non-communicable diseases.
16 November 2021 to 17 November 2021
The SPD and ICT teams are collaborating with the Commonwealth Pharmacist Association, SAPAM and external country based individuals to share our success at the 2021 NetHope Summit at a Session titled “Partnering to Promote Information Sharing in Commonwealth Medical Procurement”
At UNCTAD15 in Barbados, Commonwealth Secretary-General spoke on a hybrid virtual and in-person roundtable on the theme of ‘Regional integration for a resilient, inclusive and sustainable future’.
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Our most urgent priority must be greater access to vaccines, says Commonwealth Secretary-General at UNCTAD15
Fifteen individuals and groups have been recognised for making a significant impact on communities, countries and regions of the Commonwealth, by creating innovative solutions to pressing development challenges.
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15 Commonwealth innovators awarded for groundbreaking work on sustainability
27 September 2021 to 1 October 2021
The Commonwealth Secretariat Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Unit is delivering a series of online events entitled: Regional Workshops on Preventing Terrorist Use of the Internet: The Role for Commonwealth Governments in Africa.
A collection of “Join the Chorus” resources designed to prevent domestic and sexual violence, including a public service message, will be launched at a special event on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on 20 September.
Commonwealth Secretary-General The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC has called on G20 members to urgently work with the Commonwealth and other partners, particularly the World Health Organization and World Trade Organization, to urgently put in place a robust plan to vaccinate the world’s 42 smallest states and shield them from COVID-19.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General urges G20 to urgently vaccinate the world’s small states
The positive effects of a Secretariat-organised summit aimed at Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) is being felt across the Commonwealth.
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Young people praise impact of Commonwealth virtual summit on countering violent extremism
The 2020 Global Youth Development Index reveals that the conditions of young people have improved around the world by 3.1 per cent between 2010 and 2018, but the progress remains slow.
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New Global Youth Development Index shows improvement in the state of young people
Covid-19 has been an earthquake along the already fraught fault lines of global education. The result has been a deep chasm into which the most vulnerable have fallen: 1.6 billion children were out of education at the height of school closures.
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Opinion: We cannot sleepwalk into a learning crisis
As we prepare to celebrate Nelson Mandela International Day - a day to honour the legacy of the much-loved icon - the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC Secretary-General of the Commonwealth invited UNFPA’s Executive Director, Dr Natalia Kanem, to discuss the values of championing social justice, volunteering and community service.
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"Be the change we wish to see" The Commonwealth and United Nations Population Fund celebrate Mandela Day
Today, Commonwealth Secretary-General Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC announced the ‘Christof Heyns Memorial Commonwealth Prize’ during the 13th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition.
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The Commonwealth announces new prize at Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition
In the early months of 2020, governments across the globe stood at their podiums to tell their populations that a new and dangerous communicable disease was forcing them to shut their borders and lockdown their communities.
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Blog: Rebuilding early childhood education systems post pandemic
London Saturday 26 June 2021: Today on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, Commonwealth Secretary-General The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC calls on all Commonwealth countries to stand in solidarity with victims and survivors of torture and to act by ratifying and fully implementing the UN Convention against Torture.
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The Commonwealth Stands in Solidarity with All Victims and Survivors of Torture
A new tracker has been launched to help Commonwealth countries monitor progress towards halving malaria cases by 2023 and ultimately ending the disease by 2030.
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Malaria tracker launched to help affected Commonwealth countries tackle the disease
Youth workers used the words “challenging”, “resilient” and “hopeful” to describe the future of their work after COVID-19 at a Virtual Commonwealth Café.
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Youth workers imagine ‘hopeful’ future after COVID-19 at Commonwealth café
A new Commonwealth toolkit is being piloted in Malta to help the country assess and, where necessary, reform its education system in line with international standards.
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New Commonwealth toolkit reviews Malta’s education system against international standards
The Commonwealth's work to prevent and counter violent extremism in Africa has been bolstered by a pioneering online initiative.
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Ghana workshop raises benchmark for preventing and countering violent extremism
As we look around the globe at the impact of the pandemic, one thing is clear: we are all in the same storm, even if we aren’t all in the same boat. While more affluent nations are now rolling out second vaccine doses, health workers across the world, from the Pacific to Africa, and the Caribbean and Latin America to Asia, are still awaiting their first doses, have inadequate testing capacity, are juggling erratic oxygen supplies and are still forced to customise out-of-date PPE.
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The World Needs the G7 to Invest In All Our Futures