The Commonwealth Secretariat Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Unit is delivering a series of online events entitled: Regional Workshops on Preventing Terrorist Use of the Internet: The Role for Commonwealth Governments in Africa.

The events will examine the ways that terrorists use the internet globally and specifically in African Commonwealth countries.
These virtual workshops will explore positive and sensitive measures that governments can take to reduce the proliferation of violent extremist materials online, and to facilitate industry-led action.
Speakers and stakeholders
Speakers will include researchers, advisers and practitioners working with:
- The Commonwealth Secretariat
- Global Internet Forum to Counterterrorism
- Tech Against Terrorism
- The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
These inter-governmental forums are specifically designed to engage government policymakers, regulators, security and law enforcement in understanding terrorist use of the internet and strategies that Commonwealth governments in Africa can implement to counter it.
Workshop dates and times
The workshops will take place via Zoom on three occasions:
- South Africa Focus: Monday 27th September 1200 – 1700 SAST/ 1100 – 1600 BST
- West and Central Africa Focus: Wednesday 29th September 1200 – 1700 WAT/ 1200 – 1700 BST
- East Africa Focus: Friday 1st October 1300 – 1800 EAT/ 1100 – 1600 BST
The Commonwealth Secretariat invites all interested individuals involved in preventing terrorist use of the internet in Africa, such as government policymakers, regulators, security and law enforcement officials to register their interest.
Please note that the deadline to register interest is Wednesday, 22nd September 2021. Selected applicants will be sent an official invitation with the Zoom link to join.