Acute challenges faced by LGBTI+ people must be addressed as part of an inclusive approach to tackling the Covid-19 pandemic.
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LGBTI+ communities face equality and inclusion challenges during Covid-19
Main page for this area of work
Commonwealth health ministers have agreed to coordinate their response in tackling the coronavirus pandemic.
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Commonwealth health ministers agree to share advice and solutions in coronavirus battle
The Commonwealth health ministers will meet virtually on 14 May for their annual summit.
Last week, millions of children and young people should have been returning to classrooms after the Easter break.
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Protecting school feeding programmes to support children during Covid-19
Public parks have been gated shut, beaches emptied and stadia deserted, as an unprecedented 2.5 billion people across the world are told to sit at home.
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Exercise can be good for you and your country especially during a crisis like COVID-19
This year the coronavirus has redefined International Day for Sport for Development and Peace celebrations.
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Sport is an important team player in the fight against coronavirus
To help sports policymakers and officials make good decisions about sport and exercise during the pandemic the Commonwealth is sharing lessons learned so far by sports policymakers around the Commonwealth.
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Sport policy during the coronavirus pandemic
Five years ago more than 40 babies born in Jamaican hospitals became infected with lethal bacteria - half of them died. The situation caught the attention of Jamaican technology student Rayvon Stewart who set about finding a way to curb the spread of harmful germs.
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Young Jamaican’s invention could help tackle the spread of viruses like COVID-19
Education institutions, teachers and school leaders can now submit entries for the 2021 Commonwealth education awards for good practice.
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Enter the 2021 Commonwealth education awards for good practice
The Commonwealth and UN are jointly supporting the development of a groundbreaking training manual to help young people build peace and stability in Kenya.
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Commonwealth spearheads Country Level Implementation of UN peace manual in Kenya
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland today addressed the High Level Segment of the UN Human Rights Council’s 43rd Regular Session in Geneva.
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Climate crisis is a global human rights challenge
Cricket legends will play a ‘Peace at the Crease’ charity cricket match in Barbados on 17 October.
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Commonwealth cricket match will see legends bat for charity in Barbados
Education ministers met in London to review progress and challenges in realising the Nadi Declaration, an agreement made in Fiji to ensure quality education for all.
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Ministerial group reviews progress to meet Commonwealth education targets
On her visit to India, the Commonwealth Secretary-General travelled to the city of Gorakhpur in India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh. She took part in the launch of the Out of School Children Project, and attended the country’s first ever Sustainable Development Goals Choupal.
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Commonwealth Secretary-General visits Uttar Pradesh
Former international hockey player Joie Leigh takes part in the 4th annual debate on Sport and Sustainable Development, hosted by the Secretariat to celebrate the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace in April 2019.
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Blog: Bridging the gap for environmental sustainability through sport
The Commonwealth is participating in the second phase of a project to explore the meaning of identity for young Bangladeshis. The Amader Porichoy (Our Identity) project - a partnership with Moringa Entertainment Limited - was launched in 2019, with the screening of the film Shongram (Struggle) set during the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971.
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Being Bengali: Beyond Language and Culture
At a conference in Antigua this week, disability rights’ advocates said that they don’t want special favours. Instead, they are calling for their basic human rights to be respected, protected and fulfilled. The second ‘I Am Able’ conference brought together more than 120 delegates from governments, charities, donor agencies and disabled people’s organisations from the eastern Caribbean.
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Caribbean disability conference: ‘we are an opportunity, not a burden’
The Commonwealth’s Countering Violent Extremism Unit has launched a project to explore what it means to be a young Bangladeshi, as the country approaches 50 years of independence.
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Question of Identity? Bangladesh approaches 50 years of independence
Leading health officials are calling for urgent action to reduce the number of cancer cases in the Commonwealth, which are above global averages.
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Health officials urge action amidst rising cancer cases in Commonwealth
Global experts have commended an international framework which helps countries and sports bodies measure the contribution sport makes to the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
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International framework on measuring sport’s contribution gains traction
The Commonwealth is assisting in strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights in eSwatini through the sharing of expertise between institutions.
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Commonwealth to help bolster human rights work in eSwatini
Malta has hosted a consultation on a new toolkit designed to strengthen education systems and deliver 12 years of free and quality education to all girls and boys in the Commonwealth.
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Malta consultation on education management toolkit will improve learning outcomes
As a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the 10th Commonwealth Sports Minister Meeting has been postponed and will be reconvened alongside the new dates for the Tokyo Summer Olympic Games.
Health ministers from Southern African countries are being urged to secure the political will to prioritise funds which will fast-track the delivery of universal health coverage in the region.
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‘Funding universal health coverage benefits go beyond well-being,’ Southern African ministers told
Well-designed sport and physical activity strategies can make valuable contributions to national development and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. That was the message from experts and policy makers who gathered for the three-day annual meeting of the Commonwealth Advisory Body on Sport (CABOS).
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Sport policy boosts countries’ fitness in more ways than one