The Commonwealth Secretariat is setting out to transform itself into a more fit-for-purpose partner to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 in the face multiple, interlocking global crises.
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Commonwealth Secretariat reflects on past decade, plots next strategic steps
Main page for this area of work
A blog by Tukiya-Kaunda Mutupa, a Health Consultant at the Commonwealth Secretariat
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Blog: Why the current state of cervical cancer reveals global inequities
Commonwealth health ministers have today issued a joint statement after their annual meeting in which they called for swift and equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for everyone around the world. In the statement on behalf of the 54 Commonwealth member countries, they expressed deep concern over the stark gaps in access and delivery of doses, especially in poor countries, and called for “fair and transparent” pricing for the vaccine.
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Commonwealth health ministers demand equal access to COVID-19 vaccines for the world
The number of people at risk of eye disease trachoma, which can lead to blindness, has almost halved since 2018, said the Commonwealth Secretary-General Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC.
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Meaningful progress shows blinding trachoma can be eliminated in the Commonwealth
The Commonwealth Secretariat and the Union for International Cancer Control have launched a new taskforce to step up efforts towards preventing and treating cervical cancer.
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New taskforce to help steer Commonwealth towards cervical cancer elimination
The inaugural meeting of the Commonwealth Women’s Ministers Action Group opened yesterday with calls for strong gender equality measures.
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Commonwealth women’s affairs ministers back strong actions on gender equality
20 May 2021 to 21 May 2021
Commonwealth health ministers will meet on 20 and 21 May 2021 for their annual summit.
More than 70 delegates from 16 Caribbean countries joined international partners to discuss financing solutions for climate action on land, and share their experiences in tackling the inter-related challenges of desertification, biodiversity loss and climate change.
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Caribbean countries discuss financing for climate action on land
Registrations are now open for the second round of an online course, designed to harness sport for sustainable development.
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Free course on sport for sustainable development opens for the second round
Continuing determined action is needed for malaria rates to fall by more than 50 per cent by 2023 to meet the target set out by Commonwealth leaders, the Secretary-General urged on World Malaria Day.
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Commonwealth countries must sustain action on halving malaria by 2023 amid COVID-19
A groundbreaking Commonwealth project discovering what it means to be Bangladeshi has delivered its latest instalment via a live webinar.
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Thought-provoking Bangladesh identity project draws to a close
Findings of a new snapshot research on the impact of the pandemic on education services in South Africa offer important lessons for governments and practitioners across the Commonwealth, says one of the study’s authors.
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South Africa report on COVID-19’s impact on education offers key lessons
The fifth Commonwealth debate on sport ended in a draw as the teams argued that technology, however useful, is not the solution in itself to rebuilding the sport sector after the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Investment in technology, however useful, is not the solution to sport recovery, say debaters
Patricia Scotland was welcomed with flowers at the Orione Community Training Centre on 25 March, a not-for-profit organization, and school for children with mental and intellectual disabilities in Nairobi.
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Secretary-General visits school for children with learning difficulties in Kenya
Among the greatest gifts with which I have been blessed were parents who instilled in me a deep-rooted sense of identity, and the unequivocal belief that there was no difference between what a boy and a girl could achieve.
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International Women’s Day: To change the world, women must choose to challenge
30 March 2021 to 30 March 2021
Ahead of the 2021 International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, the Secretariat will host its annual Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development on 30 March.
The Commonwealth Secretariat has launched a new policy tool to help member countries make informed sport decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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New Commonwealth tool to help improve sport decisions during COVID-19
8 March 2021 to 8 March 2021
On International Women’s Day, the Commonwealth Secretariat will host a virtual event to put a spotlight on women’s leadership in responding to COVID-19 and charting an equitable recovery.
The winners of the annual Commonwealth Youth Awards will be announced on 10 March. The ceremony will take place during Commonwealth Week and will be held virtually for the first time due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Twenty finalists from 18 countries are up for five regional awards. Of the five regional winners, one outstanding young person will become the Commonwealth Young Person of the Year 2021.
Twenty finalists from 18 countries are up for five regional awards. Of the five regional winners, one outstanding young person will become the Commonwealth Young Person of the Year 2021.
Nominations are open for young leaders to apply to stand for positions on the Commonwealth Youth Council, the body which represents the Commonwealth’s 1.4 billion young people.
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Nominations open for young people to join Commonwealth Youth Council
Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has described a never-before-attempted musical feat as “uplifting and a powerful testament to the Commonwealth’s resilience”.
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Commonwealth countries end the year with ‘uplifting’ and ‘powerful’ musical collaboration
Commonwealth human rights experts held an anti-torture workshop for senior government officials from the Caribbean.
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Commonwealth event helps to strengthen Caribbean anti-torture commitments
The Gambia has announced plans to launch a national ‘NO MORE’ campaign against domestic and sexual violence.
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The Gambia announces plans to launch national ‘NO MORE’ campaign against domestic violence
The 3rd Meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on Model Indicators on Sport and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was held as a virtual forum on 2-3 December 2020. The meeting was delivered by the Commonwealth Secretariat, working with UNESCO and UNDESA as meeting hosts.
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3rd Open-Ended Working Group Meeting: Model Indicators on Sport and SDGs
Gambian President Adama Barrow has told the Commonwealth Secretary-General that his country is “happy to be back” in the family. The Secretary-General is in The Gambia for her first official visit since the country re-joined the Commonwealth in 2018 - almost five years after leaving the association. She commented: “President Barrow’s words are a testimony to the longstanding partnership between The Gambia and the Commonwealth."
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‘Happy to be back in the Commonwealth,’ Gambian President tells Secretary-General