Judges from Ghana, Malawi and Zambia have praised the Commonwealth Secretariat’s training workshops, aimed at enhancing their skills in handling cybercrime cases.
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Commonwealth workshops train 150 African judges in handling cybercrime cases
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The Commonwealth Secretary-General the Rt. Hon. Patricia Scotland, KC has expressed deep concern at the 21 September decision of the Venezuelan National Assembly to undertake a referendum on the status of the Essequibo region, part of the sovereign territory of the Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana.
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Statement by the Commonwealth Secretary-General on the escalation of the Guyana-Venezuela border dispute
The negative effects of climate change on nature and humankind are wide-ranging and multifaceted, and it is accepted that the most vulnerable communities, who have contributed the least to the causation of climate change, are likely to be disproportionately affected by these adverse effects. It is insufficient for only certain countries to take action to mitigate the causes of climate change; rather it is urgent that a global effort is mobilised.
The Paris Agreement, which all 56 Commonwealth member countries have ratified, commits signatories to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Signatories to the Paris Agreement are required to submit nationally determined contributions (NDC) every five years containing mitigation commitments for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To meet these commitments, it is necessary for Commonwealth member countries to put in place carefully considered legal frameworks and policies to reduce their emissions and limit the pace of climate change.
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Commonwealth Carbon Tax Model Law
The Paris Agreement, which all 56 Commonwealth member countries have ratified, commits signatories to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Signatories to the Paris Agreement are required to submit nationally determined contributions (NDC) every five years containing mitigation commitments for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To meet these commitments, it is necessary for Commonwealth member countries to put in place carefully considered legal frameworks and policies to reduce their emissions and limit the pace of climate change.
Applications are now open for citizens of Commonwealth countries in Africa to join the prestigious Commonwealth Africa Cyber Fellowship programme.
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Applications open for Commonwealth Africa Cyber Fellowships
The Commonwealth Secretariat recently hosted a successful symposium with Lesotho judges and senior magistrates on the Latimer House Principles in Maseru, Lesotho.
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Commonwealth Secretariat conducts inaugural Latimer House Dialogues Symposium in Lesotho
This book communicates a major research exercise spanning six Commonwealth member states on the African continent. Its findings will likely have resonance much farther afield within, and globally beyond, the Commonwealth. Its mixed-methods approach includes rich and insightful qualitative research and detailed and illuminating quantitative enquiry.
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Enterprise Risk Management as a Strategic Tool in Improving Governance
The Commonwealth Secretariat, the Government of Mauritius and the Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry jointly hosted a webinar this week to help companies promote and protect human rights within all business activity.
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Commonwealth and Mauritian Government host webinar to help businesses protect human rights
The Commonwealth Ministerial Group on Guyana was convened in New York on 17 September 2023 by the Commonwealth Secretary-General, The Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, in accordance with a mandate given by the Commonwealth Heads of Government to monitor “developments in respect of the existing controversy between Guyana and Venezuela.”
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Statement - The Commonwealth supports Guyana’s territorial integrity and calls for the respect of the judicial process underway
21 September 2023 to 21 September 2023
The 23rd Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting (CFAMM) will take place on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, on 21 September 2023 from 9AM-12PM New York time.
The objective to ‘combat all forms of organised crime’ has been recognised as one of the 169 targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG Target 16.4), demonstrating the unmistakable interrelationship between security and development. Organised crime, which we define using the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, involves a group of three or more persons that was not randomly formed, operating during a period of time in order to obtain directly or indirectly a financial or other material benefit. It is a persistent issue in the Caribbean (UNODC 2003).
A study by the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime has demonstrated that organised crime could directly and significantly impact the ability to achieve 23 out of the 169 SDG targets, almost 15 per cent of them (Reitano et al. 2015). It is clear from this analysis that organised crime is a cross-cutting issue that will considerably impact SDG achievement.
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Underestimated and Overlooked: Reducing the Cost of Crime and Violence for Improved Financing for Development in the Caribbean
A study by the Global Initiative against Transnational Organised Crime has demonstrated that organised crime could directly and significantly impact the ability to achieve 23 out of the 169 SDG targets, almost 15 per cent of them (Reitano et al. 2015). It is clear from this analysis that organised crime is a cross-cutting issue that will considerably impact SDG achievement.
Mediation is growing in importance as a mode of dispute resolution, as more and more parties in an ever-wider range of disputes recognise its potential. The Commonwealth Secretariat’s Office of Civil and Criminal Justice Reform (OCCJR), with Thuso Ltd, has produced a guide for practitioners and policy-makers to the history, practice and potential of this non-adversarial path.
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Commonwealth Secretariat Empowers Legal Practitioners with New Guide on Mediation
By examining the position of mediation in a tradition of ‘adversarial’ court-adjudicated disputes, The Commonwealth Guide to Mediation chronicles the evolution of mediation as a case management tool. Furthermore, it explores the various models that have been adopted, identifying emerging areas of innovation and highlighting exemplars of good practice.
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The Commonwealth Guide to Mediation: A Resource for Practitioners and Policy-makers
Speaking at an event in Trinidad and Tobago aimed at tackling male violence, especially young men, The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland, KC, has called for societies to “act together” to reverse the tide of violence amongst men.
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The Commonwealth Secretary-General urges early and targeted action to reduce crime
This second edition of the CCJ focuses on AI: its first five articles, collected together in the special section on AI, address emerging threats and employ AI approaches to improving cybersecurity safeguards. The contributors to this issue cover topics including AI in the justice system; generative artificial intelligence-led crime as a service; violent extremism and AI; AI and the future of intellectual property rights; analysis of the Budapest Convention and draft UN anti-cybercrime framework; and the future of cyber insurance and cybercrime in the Asia-Pacific region.
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Commonwealth Cyber Journal: Volume 2
Legal experts gathered at a seminar in London on 23 May 2023 have called on Commonwealth countries to bolster reporting on the domestic implementation of international humanitarian law.
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Commonwealth countries urged to strengthen reporting on international humanitarian law
The current global pressure on resources means curbing the trillion-dollar cost of corruption is “more important than ever”, the Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, has said.
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Curbing trillion-dollar cost of corruption 'more important than ever' says Secretary-General
This first issue of the CCJ examines contemporary issues and topics such as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in judicial decision-making in criminal matters; co-dependency between cybercrime and organised crime; data privacy concerns in relation to bring-your-own-device (BYOD) working practices; a comparative review of national cybercrime laws; regional cyber-criminogenic theory; cybercrime reporting; and cyber diplomacy co-operation on cybercrime.
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Commonwealth Cybercrime Journal: Volume 1
Improved information management systems are vital in developing more robust monitoring of Commonwealth nation’s human rights obligations, a survey has found.
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Commonwealth Member States Bridging the Human Rights Implementation Gap, survey finds
A new report by the Commonwealth Secretariat calls on policymakers from Pacific countries to consider adopting laws requiring bystanders to report online violence against women and girls.
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Report calls for bystander intervention laws to address online violence against women in Pacific
7 February 2023 to 9 February 2023
The Commonwealth Secretariat’s Rule of Law Section is hosting a conference in Papua New Guinea from 7 to 9 February 2023 on tackling cybercrime in the Pacific region.
14 February 2023 to 14 February 2023
The Commonwealth Secretariat is hosting a seminar in London on 14 February to discuss challenges and opportunities in reforming laws that disproportionately affect people living in poverty.
The Commonwealth Secretariat considers corruption a major challenge to sustainable development and has made preventing and countering corruption a top priority by supporting member countries combat systemic corruption and promote good governance. We do this through a three-pronged approach based on policy research, capacity-building and training, and strong collaboration.
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Capacity development and collaboration critical in the fight against corruption
Commonwealth law ministers have adopted a new model law to strengthen rules for protecting and handling the personal data of the 2.5 billion people living in the association’s 56 member countries.
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Commonwealth ministers adopt new model law to strengthen data protection rules
Today Commonwealth Law Ministers unanimously agreed to recommend the 'Commonwealth Principles on Freedom of Expression and the Role of the Media in Good Governance' to Commonwealth Leaders to consider at the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).
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Commonwealth Secretary-General welcomes Law Ministers’ unanimous agreement on Media Principles
Law Ministers are meeting in Mauritius to set clear directions on a range of legal, rule of law and justice issues.
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We must transform justice systems to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow, says Commonwealth Secretary-General