Dedicated bodies that will help lawmakers tackle cross-border crime across the Commonwealth have been proposed at a meeting in London.
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New Commonwealth body proposed to tackle cross-border crime
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Experts in international environmental ocean law met at the Commonwealth headquarters last week to discuss environmental damages liability in relation to seabed mining and mineral exploitation.
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Commonwealth countries at the forefront of deep-sea mining policy
A five-day high level training programme to improve the management of Uganda’s Inspectorate of Government and Directorate of Public Prosecution has just been delivered by the Commonwealth in Jinja, Uganda.
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Training of senior officials praised in Uganda
Last November Goodenough College and The Royal Commonwealth Society brought together four experts to discuss and debate the role that education can play in putting youth at the forefront of fostering stability, change, and a peaceful future.
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Blog: An education approach to preventing and countering violent extremism
Leading political figures from across the spectrum have united in calling on Cameroonians to engage in dialogue to resolve the ongoing challenges within the country.
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Cameroon’s opposition parties discuss route to peace with Secretary-General
The Secretary-General of the Commonwealth has called for unity and peace during a meeting with the President of Cameroon.
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Calls for peaceful dialogue in Cameroon
The Commonwealth joined Mauritius’ Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) to commemorate the UN’s International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9.
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International Anti-Corruption Day in Mauritius provides ‘critical reflection’
Training for youth leaders aimed at countering violent radicalisation among young people will be delivered next week, 11-15 December, at Marlborough House, London.
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Hate speech, and how to deal with it
Law reform agencies are vital in setting the pace for law reform and also challenging law makers. That was one of the key messages at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Association of Law Reform Agencies of Eastern and Southern Africa (ALRAESA), held in Nairobi, Kenya, with the theme Role of Law Reform Agencies in Emerging Democracies.
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Law reform agencies ‘set the pace for reform’
The Commonwealth Secretariat’s new guide to law reform and legislative drafting manual are being presented in Nairobi this week at the AGM and conference of the Association of Law Reform Agencies of Eastern and Southern Africa.
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Commonwealth’s law tools on show in Kenya
A five-day high level training programme aimed at improving the management of Grenada’s Integrity Commission and other public-sector organisations has just been delivered by the Commonwealth Secretariat.
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Senior level training programme shows Commonwealth to be a ‘caring and trusted partner’
The fight to end violence against women and girls will be bolstered by the publication of a new guide offering support to judges across Asia.
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Fight to prevent violence against women and girls steps up in Asia
Australia’s pledge to provide funding for the recently established Commonwealth initiative to counter violent extremism has been formally documented in a memorandum of understanding (MoU).
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Australia formally signs funding pledge to help tackle violent extremism
Commonwealth citizens are set to benefit from improved legal services in a range of areas as law ministers ended their meeting in The Bahamas with a raft of agreements and pledges.
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Law Ministers Meeting ends with pledge to reform key legislation
An expert group of international lawyers specialising in oceans law met at Marlborough House to discuss key legal issues relating to seabed mining in international waters, a frontier industry attracting interest as a result of the increase in global demand for metals.
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Legalities of seabed mining explored by new working group
Commonwealth law ministers and attorneys-general turned their attention to the fight against terrorism as they neared the end of their summit in The Bahamas.
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Law ministers explore legislation to fight terrorism
A comprehensive legal resource that will help countries strengthen existing laws and create new legislations was unveiled at a major ministerial conference today.
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Online legal resource unveiled at Commonwealth Law Ministers Meeting
The Commonwealth Secretariat has been praised for strong initiatives to promote and protect justice as attorneys-general, law ministers and senior law officials began their summit in The Bahamas today.
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‘Fantastic’ Commonwealth initiatives commended for promoting rule of law
Law is still very much seen as a world of books, papers, and procedures, set in its own well established ways and untouched by modern technologies. In fact, this image could not be further from the truth. Technology has changed the world we live in, and that is true for law as well.
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Legal practice needs to take advantage of extraordinary technology opportunities
The Commonwealth will unveil a package of legislative reform tools at its Law Ministers Meeting in Nassau, The Bahamas, from 16 to 19 October 2017.
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Law ministers summit to focus on law reform and technology
Innovation will be at the centre of ways to tackle shared challenges facing Commonwealth countries when finance ministers, central bank governors, and senior finance officials meet this week in Washington DC.
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Ministers to hear how harnessing innovation vital to tackling Commonwealth’s economic challenges
Senior officials from across Africa praised a training workshop last month aimed at helping heads of anti-corruption authorities better manage law enforcement agencies.
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Anti-corruption leaders praise ‘invaluable’ workshop
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has told the Wilberforce World Freedom Summit that it is likely that ways to end forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and the worst forms of child labour will be among global priorities to be considered when Commonwealth leaders meet next April.
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Combined action needed to tackle modern slavery, says Secretary-General
Chief Justices from around the Commonwealth have been meeting this week in Tanzania at the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association (CMJA) conference, where independence and diversity were highlighted as key to an effective judiciary.
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Diversity key to building an effective judiciary
The Secretary-General and a team of specialists from the Commonwealth are in Apea, Samoa, to attend meetings in advance of the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting
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Action on oceans in advance of the Pacific Islands Forum