By providing strategic guidance and practical solutions, the Secretariat's resources facilitate the implementation of policies that address regional challenges and capitalise on opportunities for collective advancement. Whether navigating complex policy landscapes or enhancing institutional capacities, these tools exemplify the Commonwealth's commitment to supporting its diverse member states in achieving shared goals of prosperity and resilience.
The Commonwealth Charter expresses the commitment of member states to the development of free and democratic societies and the promotion of peace and prosperity to improve the lives of all the people of the Commonwealth. The Charter also acknowledges the role of civil society in supporting the goals and values of the Commonwealth.
Electoral Support
The Commonwealth Secretariat adopts a ‘whole-of-election-cycle’ approach in supporting member countries to deliver transparent, credible, and inclusive electoral processes. In this regard and in close consultation with the member country and its election management body, the Secretariat could seek appropriate entry points at various stages of an electoral cycle to offer support and assistance, including:
Election observation: The Commonwealth has been observing electoral processes for over four decades. In that time, more than 160 elections have been observed in 40 countries. The Commonwealth’s approach is rooted in the 'Revised Guidelines for the Conduct of Election Observation in Member Countries', adopted at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London in 2018.
Training of election professionals: page not found A key part of the Secretariat’s election cycle approach involves providing support to member countries between elections, as they act on recommendations made by Commonwealth Observer Groups. This is achieved through training programmes, such as the Commonwealth Election Professionals (CEP) Initiative.
Technical assistance to support constitutional, parliamentary, and public sector reforms that support elections.
- Covid-19 and Election Management in the Caribbean: Challenges, Innovations and Opportunities (2022)
- Performance Management in Government: A Primer for Leaders (2018)
Good Offices
The Commonwealth Secretary-General has a unique role, offering support and advice to member countries to encourage the settlement of political tension and disagreements and encourage national action that reflects Commonwealth values and principles. This ‘Good Offices for Peace’ role involves working primarily with leaders and relevant stakeholders and aims to support the strengthening and/or development of independent democratic institutions that reflect the Commonwealth’s commitment to civilian constitutional democratic rule and the separation of government powers between the executive, parliament, and the judiciary.
This work may involve the appointment of representatives, or envoys, including former Heads of Government, Ministers, and other eminent persons. Other interested domestic parties and stakeholders are usually drawn into the process of achieving sustainable solutions to challenging situations, including those stemming from deep-rooted tension. This usually requires time and patience to open channels of communication and establish trust to find common ground and agreement. This work may be conducted ‘beneath the radar’, using quiet diplomacy – an approach that often enables progress on sensitive and seemingly intractable issues.
Related Declarations or Principles:
Related professional bodies:
Good Governance and Anti-Corruption
The Commonwealth Secretariat promotes the strengthening of public administrations and the achievement of good governance and national development in member countries. The Secretariat provides assistance to anti-corruption and public procurement agencies, assists with national and regional co-ordination, and ensures the implementation of robust financial management standards.
Related Commonwealth Resources / Toolkits:
How Governments Can Do More with Less: A Guide to Low-cost Innovation for Policy-makers
- Performance Management in Government: A Primer for Leaders
Related professional bodies:
Legislative Review and Drafting
The Commonwealth Secretariat aims to transform the operation of justice systems and the delivery of justice across the Commonwealth, by creating useful, impactful, agile, and user-centred legal knowledge products, networks, and platforms, so that equal access to justice is ensured for all. To this end, the Secretariat develops and reviews model legislation, manuals, templates, and other legal resources in key civil and criminal justice reform areas.
The Commonwealth Secretariat also supports countries in the development of sound legal frameworks related to, inter alia, public administration, public sector decision-making, and financial management, promoting good governance and effective institutions.
- Common Law Legal Systems Model Legislative Provisions on Money Laundering, Terrorism Financing, Preventive Measures and Proceeds of Crime
- Model Act on Integrity in Public Life
- Model Bill on Competition
- Model Criminal Disclosure Act and Model Prosecution Guidelines
- Model Freedom of Information Bill
- Model Law on Computer and Computer Related Crime
- Model Law on Electronic Evidence
- Model Law on Electronic Transactions
- Model Law on Judicial Service Commissions
- Model Law on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgements
- Model Law – Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
- Model Legislative Provisions on Measures to Combat Terrorism
- Model Legislative Whistleblowing Provisions
Latimer House Principles
The Commonwealth Secretariat supports member countries with the implementation of the Latimer House Principles that would aim to address the limitations to the constraints on government powers and promote adherence to the shared democratic principles and shared political values, including the rule of law, human rights and good, effective and equitable governance.
- Commonwealth Latimer House Principles
- Commonwealth Latimer House Principles: Facilitators Guide
- Commonwealth Latimer House Principles: Practitioners Handbook
Legal and Judicial Education and Training
The Secretariat offers support for design and delivery of legal and judicial education; review of policy and legislative frameworks that apply to the justice sector; development of materials (manuals, handbooks); and training of rule of law officials, inter alia. Targeted officials include judicial officers, police investigators, prosecutors and corrections officers.
Gender Justice Capability Support and Gender Discriminatory Legislation
The Commonwealth Secretariat offers support to strengthen gender justice capabilities that will involve activities aimed at providing training and developing materials to boost the capacity to investigate, prosecute and adjudicate cases of violence against women and girls. The Secretariat also supports member countries’ efforts to develop or amend anti-discriminatory legislation in their jurisdictions.
- A Handbook for Gender-inclusive Elections in Commonwealth Africa: Achieving 50:50 by 2030 (2018)
- Gender Integration for Climate Action (Second Edition) (2022)
- Gender Integration in NDCs: A Commonwealth Best Practice Guide (2022)
- Turning the Tides of Inclusion: A Toolkit for Gender Equality in Ocean Sectors (2024)
Human Rights Support
The Commonwealth Secretariat's Human Rights Unit supports Commonwealth countries’ efforts to promote, protect and respect internationally recognised human rights principles, standards and practices through:
Technical assistance for projects relating to violence against women and freedoms of expression and assembly.
Capacity building for national mechanisms for reporting and follow-up, particularly related to the use of data in reporting to treaty bodies and the synergies between SDG and human rights reporting.
Assistance in opening permanent missions in Geneva using the facilities provided by the Commonwealth Small States Office.
the provision of technical assistance targeting the building of effective national institutions and frameworks and supporting Commonwealth Small States’ engagement with international human rights mechanisms.
provision of technical assistance with regard to legislative drafting; and
awareness raising of and building of consensus on important human rights challenges, solutions and protection frameworks.
Digital Justice Transformation Support
The Commonwealth Secretariat is working collaboratively to develop knowledge products, policy and legislative templates, and practice guidelines that support a people-centred digital transformation of Commonwealth member countries’ justice delivery systems.
- Law and Climate Change Toolkit
- Digital Transformation: Enhancing Economic Development in Small States
Countering Violent Extremism
By using non-coercive approaches to address the drivers of violent extremism, the Commonwealth Secretariat seeks to reduce the vulnerabilities of at-risk communities.
This involves responding to mutually identified gaps in the capacity of member governments, mapping existing support mechanisms and resources, exchanging experiences and practices, and harnessing the ‘network of networks’ that is the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth Secretariat offers services that include:
Technical assistance for countries with unaddressed vulnerability to violent extremism.
Youth and CSO Training and support to strengthen their skills to counter violent extremism. CSO-Government collaboration is encouraged in order to build resilient communities.
Capacity building and awareness raising activities to improve knowledge about CVE among Commonwealth member governments, networks and various sectors of the Commonwealth in order to integrate and mainstream CVE into broader cooperation and deal with violent extremism in all forms.
Research, communication, and information to advance understanding of CVE through the mechanism of the Commonwealth CVE Cadre of Experts established in 2018 and endorsed by the 2018 CHOGM.
Advocacy for Small States that may not be able to support routine engagement with multilateral forums, such as the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum or industry-led initiatives such as the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
- Managing the Reintegration of Violent Extremists and their Families
- Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
- Preventing Terrorist Use of the Internet: The Role for Commonwealth Governments
Cyber-crime Support
The Secretariat helps build member states capabilities to combat cybercrime through:
training of law enforcement officers, prosecutors, and members of the judiciary on electronic evidence.
building a network of focal points for rapid and effective exchange of information.
develop appropriate legal policy and institutional frameworks on cybercrime and data protection.
Economic and Sustainable Development
Fiscal Policy
The Commonwealth Secretariat’s Economic, Youth and sustainable Development Directorate provides guidance on fiscal policy.
- A Handbook on Public Debt Transparency (2023)
- Debt Transparency and Data Quality in the Caribbean
- Debt Swaps: “Go Big or Go Home” - the View of the Borrower
- Fiscal Policy Options for Resilient and Sustainable Development (2023)
Sustainable Development
- A Commonwealth Guide to Ocean Climate Finance (2022)
- Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition
- Measuring the Contribution of Sport, Physical Education and Physical Activity to the Sustainable Development Goals (Toolkit and model indicators) V3.1 (2019)
- Toolkit to Enhance Access to Climate Finance: A Commonwealth Practical Guide (2022)
- Turning the Tides of Inclusion: A Toolkit for Gender Equality in Ocean Sectors (2024)
Trade, Oceans, and Natural Resources
The Commonwealth Secretariat assists its member countries to sustainably manage their natural resources, in the ocean and on land, for the benefit of present and future generations. We provide technical assistance and support member countries in the development of policies, laws, design of fiscal regimes and strengthening national institutions as they seek to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. The programme is delivered through direct advisory support, capacity building and collaborations.
The ONR division would be pleased to discuss cooperative ocean-related project development with member countries, including blue economic development, marine protection, and climate change mitigation/adaptation.
The Secretariat has launched an online database to help member countries be aware of and access more than US$170 million of international funding available for ocean-related projects. Officials can send a login request form to access the full database through the website.
The Commonwealth Secretariat is offering virtual training courses to Commonwealth government officials on ocean topics relevant to the Commonwealth Blue Charter Action Groups.
The Commonwealth Blue Charter is highlighting case studies from the Commonwealth and beyond, as part of a series to share best practice successes and experiences.
Related Commonwealth Blue Charter Resources and Toolkits:
Commonwealth Clean Ocean Alliance training toolkit
Coral Reef Protection and Restoration training toolkit
Mangrove Ecosystems and Livelihoods training toolkit
Marine Protected Areas training toolkit
Ocean Acidification training toolkit
Ocean and Climate Change training toolkit
Ocean Observation training toolkit
Sustainable Aquaculture training toolkit
Sustainable Blue Economy training toolkit
Sustainable Coastal Fisheries training toolkit
Social sciences toolkit
Gender toolkit
Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition Agenda
The Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition (CSET) Agenda encourages and promotes collaboration amongst Commonwealth member countries in the transition to sustainable energy systems and action towards achievement of the SDGs. It builds on the recognition at CHOGM 2018 of the critical importance of sustainable energy to economic development and the imperative to transition to cleaner forms of energy in view of commitments by member countries under the Paris Agreement. It is anchored on the following three key pillars drawn from the agreed outcomes of the inaugural CSET Forum in June 2019 and leverages existing programmes of the Commonwealth Secretariat:
Inclusive Transitions: advocating equitable and inclusive measures for energy transitions that recognise and address impacts on economies, communities and industries.
Technology: propagating advances in technology solutions and innovations as well as research and development for sustainable energy systems.
Enabling Frameworks: supporting the development of enabling frameworks, including policy, laws, regulations, standards and governance institutions for accelerating energy transitions
Member countries can benefit from active involvement in future initiatives, including Forums, conducted by the Commonwealth Secretariat to advance the Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition (CSET) agenda for accelerating energy transition and universal access to clean energy.
Member countries are invited to indicate interest in championing a CSET Action Group in an area of interest under one of the three key CSET pillars – Inclusive Transitions, Technology & Innovation and Enabling Frameworks.
Clean Energy Investments in Small Island Developing States
Using the CSET energy business case Toolkit, the Commonwealth Secretariat can support member countries to develop investment grade business cases its clean energy sector.
The Commonwealth Secretariat can also support member countries under the CSET agenda to conduct energy sector reforms and develop an enabling policy and regulatory framework to promote investment in clean energy for the power sector.
Financial Policies to Achieve the Paris Agreement and Limit Climate Change
TONR can provide advice on subsidy, tax, and other financial instruments to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, increase revenue and meet the Government’s commitments under the Paris Agreement. We have also drafted a Commonwealth Carbon Tax Model Law to assist countries implement a carbon tax.
Ocean Governance
ONR can provide advice and assistance to member countries on their Ocean Governance including the development or review of existing National Ocean Policies, Legal and Regulatory frameworks, Marine Scientific Research regimes and strengthening of Maritime Administrations.
ONR can support member countries in determining the limits of their maritime jurisdiction through maritime boundary delimitation.
Natural Resources
Deep Sea Minerals
ONR can provide advice and assistance to member countries on the development of legal, policy, regulatory and revenue management (incl. national taxation) regimes for deep sea minerals within their Exclusive Economic Zone.
ONR can provide advice and assistance to member countries on their engagement with the International Seabed Authority either as member states in the ongoing negotiation of the Mining Code, or as (current or future) Sponsoring States of deep-sea minerals contracts in the Area beyond national jurisdiction.
Land-based Mining and Petroleum
ONR can provide advice and assistance to member countries on the development of legal, policy, regulatory, tax and revenue managements regimes to maximise the benefits from mining and petroleum and ensure that these industries confirm to environmental best practice, including around decarbonization and energy transition.
Related Commonwealth Resources / Toolkits:
Inclusive Energy Transition: Sustainable Energy Transition Series
Trade Competitiveness
The Commonwealth Secretariat’s Trade Competitiveness Section (TCS) of the Trade, Oceans and Natural Resources Directorate (TONR), provides technical assistance to member countries to improve their trade competitiveness in global markets. Recognising the commodity dependence and domestic challenges for product and market development in many member countries, TCS supports these countries to adopt innovative approaches to enhance domestic production and tap into global value chains, improve their market access through well negotiated trade agreements; build competitiveness within their services sectors through regulatory cooperation and reforms; facilitate investments and improve their investment climate; develop comprehensive national trade policies; and modernise their trade facilitation processes in order to lower their cost of trade. Interventions are targeted at the national level and where requested, escalated to the regional and pan Commonwealth levels.
The Section has two flagship pan-Commonwealth programmes:
The Commonwealth Trade Finance Facility; and
The Intra-Commonwealth SME Association (ICSA) Trade Summit
The program supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 8 and 17, as well as the National Development Agendas of many countries given that trade has been recognised as a key area of priority for supporting the achievements of the SGDs on employment creation and reducing poverty.
TCS’s specific areas of expertise include:
National Trade Policy: Support member states to design and implement national trade policies and export strategies including e-readiness and e-commerce strategies to secure sustainable market access for priority exports.
Trade in Services: Support member states to develop regulatory frameworks to provide stability and predictability in trade in services. With a keen focus on diversification of typical trade portfolios, digital trade in services has become a niche intervention, as has capacity building support for trade in services negotiations.
Trade Facilitation: Support member states and/or regions with niche, highly targeted interventions to build institutional capacity to engage and implement trade facilitation initiatives.
Investment Facilitation: Support member states’ investment facilitation and promotion programs and capacity building on treaty negotiations, project proposal development, project appraisal and investment portfolio for targeted investors. Also provide technical assistance on regulatory and policy reforms for improving the business climate to enhance the attraction of qualitative investment in critical sectors of the economy.
Cross cutting Trade and Development Issues: The TCS also supports Trade and Gender and Trade and Youth initiatives in partnership within and outside the organisation, that aim to increase the participation of women and young people in global trade and promote inclusivity in the design of trade policies that reflect the ambitions of member states to achieve the SDGs for women and youth.
The Section works in response to the requests received from Commonwealth governments or apex institutions and provides technical assistance to address competitiveness issues.
- Alternative Development Strategies for SIDS: Building Competitiveness in New Industries (2021)
- [An Ocean of Opportunity: Commonwealth Blue Charter Ocean Action Report (2022)](https://www.thecommonwealth