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With the emergence of technology-enabled financial services (fintech) and the profound changes to the production and delivery of financial services it has enabled, Commonwealth Central Bank Governors (CCBGs) expressed a desire for improved technical guidance on fintech implementation.
Commonwealth countries are endowed with immense and precious natural resources. These include millions of square kilometres of ocean space, significant renewable (wind, solar) and non-renewable resources (oil, gas, minerals). When managed equitably and sustainably, the exploitation of natural resources bolsters national resilience to economic and social crises, improving prosperity for all citizens.
From December 1-3, 2021, the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is providing a virtual space 'The IISD’s Trade + Sustainability Hub' for civil society, government, business, and international organizations to discuss trade and sustainable development.
After three years in the making, last week the Commonwealth Secretariat launched its new Voluntary Information and Price-Sharing database (VIPSD). One-third of the world’s population lacks access to essential medicines, with most of them living in poor countries, while rising prices of new drugs are becoming a challenge in wealthy states. And, since the global Covid-19 pandemic, the urgent need for essential medicines has intensified.
Read press release - Commonwealth Launches Voluntary Information and Price Sharing Database
At their annual meeting, Commonwealth Finance Ministers were urged to take action to change the current development finance architecture, enhance access to finance for countries vulnerable to climate change and address debt sustainability.
Read press release - Finance Ministers call for change to development finance architecture to fight climate change and address debt vulnerabilities
The Trade Competitiveness Section of the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Secretariat of the Organisation of the African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) are organising a joint webinar on the topic ‘New Post-Brexit Procedural Rules for African, Caribbean, and Pacific Exports into the UK’.
2 March 2021 to 2 March 2021
In this virtual event, speakers will discuss digital agriculture and digital fisheries, especially during the global health pandemic. The event builds on the outcomes of the 4th Supply-Side Connectivity Cluster meeting of the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda held in November 2020 which called for a focus on smart agriculture for sustainable development.
Gambian President Adama Barrow has told the Commonwealth Secretary-General that his country is “happy to be back” in the family. The Secretary-General is in The Gambia for her first official visit since the country re-joined the Commonwealth in 2018 - almost five years after leaving the association. She commented: “President Barrow’s words are a testimony to the longstanding partnership between The Gambia and the Commonwealth."
Read news - ‘Happy to be back in the Commonwealth,’ Gambian President tells Secretary-General
Annual transfers of money by foreign migrant workers to their home countries play a huge role in many countries. These remittances provide income support for family members back home and, in some cases, provide funding for start-ups. Remittances are also a source of foreign exchange reserves for developing countries and they help contain trade balances and widen the revenue base through increased consumption
Read news - De-mystifying the effects of COVID-19 on remittances