Trade officials have concluded a meeting in London, where they created a roadmap to fully leverage the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda (CCA) to boost trade benefits for 2.4 billion people.
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Trade officials outline Connectivity roadmap to 2020 Commonwealth summit
Main page for this area of work
15 May 2019 to 16 May 2019
Members of the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda’s (CCA) working group on regulatory connectivity will hold their first meeting on 15-16 May at The Grosvenor Hotel in London.
Botswana has launched its new five-year export strategy targeted at dynamic and sustainable economic growth, with the help of the Commonwealth.
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Commonwealth helps Botswana launch export strategy
Senior policy-makers, business leaders and owners will meet in Kenya next month to promote trade and investment between small and medium businesses across the Commonwealth
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Kenya trade summit to focus on small and medium scale business
In the Pacific, coconut is king. Known as the ‘tree of life’, locals make use of every part of the tree to survive – the fruit for eating, husks for fuelling fires, fronds for making multiuse baskets, and the trunk for building houses
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Climbing the coconut value chain in the Pacific
Commonwealth countries must rethink their approach to delivering public services if sustainable development is to be achieved, according to the Commonwealth Secretary-General.
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Public service must rethink development strategies, says Secretary-General
South Africa and the United Kingdom will jointly lead a Commonwealth initiative to boost digital connectivity amongst member countries, it was announced today at Africa Tech Week.
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South Africa and UK to lead Commonwealth Digital Connectivity push
Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has reaffirmed the Commonwealth’s collective commitment to an inclusive, fair and open rules-based multilateral trading system which drives growth, productivity, innovation and employability.
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Secretary-General: Promoting inclusive trade ‘key’ to economic prosperity
Inadequate access to financing, markets and technology are among the hurdles that prevent women from breaking into global trade, which the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda expects to tackle.
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Businesswomen urge Connectivity Agenda to prioritise gender
The Commonwealth and the Government of Malaysia will host a conference to boost women’s participation in digital technology and global trade
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Connectivity agenda to increase women’s share in intra-Commonwealth trade
Trade officials and experts gathered at the Commonwealth’s headquarters to debate the future of intra-Commonwealth trade in view of emerging trends such as increased digitalisation of services and regulatory barriers.
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Officials sketch the future of intra-Commonwealth trade
New research argues that the world’s poorest countries need to change their approach to entrepreneurship, if they want businesses to boost sustainable development.
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Experts urge shift on entrepreneurship in poor countries
The small states of the Commonwealth could be losing out on $4.5 billion of overseas development assistance, a preliminary Commonwealth Secretariat study has shown.
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Secretary-General calls for action to unlock overseas development finance
Trade officials and experts from Commonwealth African countries gathered in the Seychelles this week to discuss regional and global trade issues affecting their growth and development.
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African countries focus on global trade prospects, challenges
Small businesses in the Pacific will benefit from a better commercial environment, more links to global trade, as well as enhanced skills to leverage opportunities under the Commonwealth Connectivity Agenda for Trade and Investment.
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Connectivity Agenda will benefit Pacific economies
Three years after adopting the 2030 development Agenda, countries are grappling with how to achieve its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Commonwealth tackles SDG data hurdles at World Data Forum
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland is travelling to Brussels and Geneva to participate in high-level meetings on trade, youth and women’s economic empowerment.
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Secretary-General to visit Brussels and Geneva
The Government of Seychelles in collaboration with the Commonwealth has launched the ‘Blue Economy Strategic Framework and Roadmap’ to build its ocean-based economy.
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Roadmap to boost Seychelles’ blue ocean economy
Commonwealth finance ministers concluded their annual meeting today in Bali, Indonesia, by endorsing key strategies aimed at helping countries reduce disaster risk.
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Finance ministers endorse strategies to reduce disaster risk
Central bank governors from Commonwealth countries backed a proposal to create a toolkit that will help banks leverage technological innovations in the finance sector to maximise economic growth.
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Central bank heads keen to benefit from Fintech toolkit
Finance ministers from the 53 member countries of the Commonwealth will meet in the margins of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank annual meetings this week in Bali, Indonesia, to discuss financing solutions to help counter the risk of natural disasters in their countries.
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Commonwealth finance ministers explore new strategies to manage disaster risk
The ‘Ask The Expert’ series features leading specialists who work at the Commonwealth Secretariat in specialised areas. In this fourth edition, Travis Mitchell, Head of Economic Policy and Small States, talks about the priority areas that will be discussed at this year’s Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting.
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Ask the expert: Unlocking funding to reduce disaster risk
While the digital revolution has brought about unprecedented opportunities for global trade, developing countries and small states in the Commonwealth still face some key challenges linked to e-commerce.
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Commonwealth tackles challenges of Industry 4.0
The 17th Commonwealth Foreign Affairs Ministers Meeting (CFAMM) takes place on 27 September 2018. Ministers from across the Commonwealth will convene during the UN General Assembly in New York.
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland today announced that the Commonwealth Secretariat is to sign a new agreement with the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC),
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Supercharging economic development through South-South collaboration