Collective action to help women overcome barriers to entrepreneurship makes good economic sense. This is the message that rang loud and clear as government leaders, ministers, activists and world-renowned professionals met to deliberate women’s economic empowerment on the second day of the Commonwealth Women’s Forum in London today.
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Giving women a slice of the pie will boost economies
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An innovative way for small states to obtain easier access to international trade finance has been launched at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London.
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Finance guarantee to help small states access international funds
Immigrants to the United Kingdom from Commonwealth countries are not investing as much money back to their home countries as they could. This ‘investment gap’ is a key finding from the first comprehensive assessment of UK diaspora investment.
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New diaspora report shows investment gap
Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates spoke at a joint plenary session between all four forums of the Commonwealth Summit, about the importance of collaboration and sharing during his keynote address.
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Microsoft founder praises Commonwealth collaboration
The Commonwealth has launched three initiatives to boost intra-Commonwealth trade and investment. On the margins of the 21st Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast, Australia, it formed the Intra-Commonwealth Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Association (ICSA) and the Commonwealth Alliance for Young Entrepreneurs (CAYE) in Asia-Pacific, as well as unveiling a trade portal to help businesses.
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Commonwealth builds entrepreneurial spirit on Gold Coast
Intra-Commonwealth trade and productive greenfield investment is expected to reach US$1.6 trillion by 2020, in spite of the global trade slowdown caused by the 2008 financial crisis.
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Intra-Commonwealth trade and investment to exceed US$1.5 trillion
The role of the Commonwealth is a positive influence for strengthening trade links across boundaries and building prosperity in which all can share, said Secretary-General Patricia Scotland.
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Shared prosperity for all Commonwealth citizens
In November 2017, Edmund Paul Kalekyezi, the National Trade Adviser to Guyana, presented a paper discussing why the country’s international trade treaties have not always brought about the desired results.
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Blog: Understanding how to improve Guyana’s trade agreements
It is well known that many small states struggle to acquire the finance needed to support their development goals. The Commonwealth Secretariat has recently been exploring the potential of diaspora investment to support development.
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Blog: Two sides of the same coin? Diaspora investment and citizenship-by-investment
Kiritimati is the largest atoll in the island group, and the largest atoll in the world, located 3,301 kilometres north east across the Pacific Ocean from the Gilbert Islands, the main island group. From Tarawa it can only be reached via Fiji, with only one flight connection available a week.
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Blog: Helping Kiribati improve its business environment for investment
The three-day workshop enhanced participants’ understanding of the use of analytical tools in assessing international trade dynamics. The knowledge acquired from the workshop will assist their involvement in trade policy analysis and in determining foreign trade positions and strategies, especially regarding preferential trade agreements. This will also be crucial for the development and implementation of effective and evidence-based trade policies and strategies.
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Blog: Boosting Jamaica’s analysis of international trade dynamics
Staged in partnership with the OECS and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the workshop was held in St. Vincent and the Grenadines from 14 -16 November 2017.
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Blog: Adviser sharpens trade analysis skills in the Eastern Caribbean
The CARICOM Secretariat convened a consultation to take stock of implementation among member states of the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) and identify specific assistance required.
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Blog: Assisting CARICOM compliance with the WTO’S Trade Facilitation Agreement
Elections observers have set out a range of recommendations for strengthening the democratic processes in The Bahamas, Lesotho and Tonga in three new reports.
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New reports aim to strengthen election processes across Commonwealth
The Hub and Spokes Programme provides trade experts to national ministries and regional trade organisations to enhance trade capacity in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states.
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Blog: Assisting Kenyan MPs counteract unfair trade practices
Blog by Katherine Kennedy, Head of Climate Change, at the second day of the World Sustainable Development Summit in Delhi.
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Solar power – essential for sustainable development
Experts in international environmental ocean law met at the Commonwealth headquarters last week to discuss environmental damages liability in relation to seabed mining and mineral exploitation.
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Commonwealth countries at the forefront of deep-sea mining policy
Jamaica is setting the stage for private sector investment in support of low carbon, climate resilient growth after signing its second readiness Grant Agreement with the Green Climate Fund (GCF) at the Jamaica House in Kingston.
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Climate Finance Access Hub produces results – mobilising the private sector in Jamaica
A project to support sustainable fashion across the Commonwealth and ensure designers and producers are supported has been launched.
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Project boosts sustainable fashion across Commonwealth
Is there merit to an aid system focused on vulnerability? What problems could arise with the Caribbean Development Bank's proposal for the Caribbean? Travis Mitchell, Head of Economic Policy and Small States invites your thoughts.
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Caribbean Development Bank leading the way on linking vulnerability with development financing
The government of Guyana is set to implement new laws which will enable it to bolster its economy, tackle poverty and meet crucial sustainable development targets.
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Oil set to help Guyana boost economy and benefit its citizens
Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Josephine Ojiambo has concluded her trip to the WTO Ministers Conference (MC11) by saying ‘trade is the lifeblood for many of our members’.
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Trade is the ‘lifeblood’ of Commonwealth members
The Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) will join forces at the Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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Commonwealth Blue Charter to be put on world trade stage
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland spoke of the importance of the Commonwealth’s proposed Blue Charter when she met with UN Special Envoy on Oceans Peter Thomson at Marlborough House.
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Proposed Blue Charter top of the agenda
Deputy Secretary-General Josephine Ojiambo delivered compelling insights into the Commonwealth’s work on e-commerce to business leaders, policy makers and students at the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) Global Debate, entitled Moving Forward on Digital Trade.
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Commonwealth insight at digital trade event