Lesotho’s capacity to record and manage debt has been boosted by the secondment of two debt officers to work with the Commonwealth Secretariat’s expert team in London.
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Secretariat debt experts assist Lesotho
Main page for this area of work
The 2016 UNDP Human Development Report's lead author, Dr Selim Jahan, describes Commonwealth countries as “doing very well” in terms of human development.
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Commonwealth countries ‘doing very well’ in human development
Commonwealth trade and investment ministers concluded their two-day meeting in London today with a commitment to make full use of the ‘Commonwealth advantage’ to boost trade within the 52-member bloc.
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Trade ministers pledge to harness Commonwealth advantage at historic meeting
Secretary-General Patricia Scotland met with the Sri Lankan Minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiudeen in the margins of the meeting of Commonwealth Trade ministers in London today.
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Secretary-General meets with Sri Lankan minister
Commonwealth Ministers responsible for trade, industry and investment will meet in London from 9-10 March to kick-start an ambitious ‘Agenda for Growth’ across the Commonwealth’s 52 member countries.
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Commonwealth to host trade ministers roundtable event
An ambitious international project to help Caribbean countries unlock the full economic potential of the seas took a step closer with a meeting of international partners at the Commonwealth’s headquarters last week.
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International partners chart course to a blue economy Caribbean
British MPs have highlighted research undertaken by the Commonwealth Secretariat during a UK parliamentary debate on post-Brexit Commonwealth trade opportunities.
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UK parliament cites Commonwealth Secretariat Brexit trade research
The government of Cyprus is to benefit from a Commonwealth programme to improve public debt recording and management.
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Cyprus to manage public debt with Commonwealth support
15 February 2017 to 16 February 2017
Hosted by the Government of Rwanda, this year's theme for the Commonwealth ICT Applications Forum is 'Promoting ICT Entrepreneurship'.
Canadian television station TVO yesterday broadcast a special edition of its flagship talk show, The Agenda with Steve Paikin, focused on the Commonwealth of Nations: its purpose, past and future.
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The Commonwealth: Redux? asks Canadian television show
"Post Brexit must mean enhanced Commonwealth engagement” the British politician Baroness Berridge urged during a parliamentary debate.
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UK international relations debate focuses on Commonwealth benefits
The British Prime Minister Theresa May spoke enthusiastically about the opportunities provided by the Commonwealth during a landmark speech on the British Government’s plans for Brexit.
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Theresa May: Commonwealth provides “unique and proud global relationships”
In the past decade Commonwealth countries have been forced to manoeuvre through some choppy waters. From global financial crises to natural disasters the challenges in avoiding unsustainable levels of debt have been persistent and daunting.
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Blog: Helping countries to achieve debt sustainability
Commonwealth countries can do much more to expand trade links with the UK, post-Brexit. That’s the conclusion of trade experts at the Commonwealth Secretariat writing a new set of policy briefings on life after Britain’s decision to pull out of the European Union.
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Trade opportunities for Commonwealth post-Brexit
A blog by Dr Reginald Darius, Director of Economic Policy at the Commonwealth Secretariat
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Blog: 'Commonwealth supports growth with advocacy and innovative financing'
Business leaders across Asia should capitalise on the Commonwealth’s trade advantage, says Pakistan’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
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Pakistan ‘committed to strengthening Commonwealth’ post-Brexit
Young business leaders from Commonwealth countries in Asia have called on governments to take steps to boost cross-border trade and provide entrepreneurship training for more young people.
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Asia’s young entrepreneurs pitch for govt support at Commonwealth summit
Commonwealth report warns that governments could be hit by huge unexpected pay-outs if steps are not taken to manage hidden liabilities in unfunded pensions, loan guarantees, disaster relief and other contingencies.
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Commonwealth offers plan to stave off ‘time bomb’ of government liabilities
Government officials from 10 Commonwealth countries in western and southern Africa have agreed to implement a set of policy initiatives that will promote youth entrepreneurship as an antidote to rising levels of youth unemployment.
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Ten Commonwealth countries in Africa pledge reforms to support youth entrepreneurship
Between 7-11 November, Lucas Rutherford attended the 37th Annual Technical Meeting of the Commonwealth Association of Tax Administrators (CATA), held in Bridgetown, Barbados. Read his blog.
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A window into the largest and oldest tax administration network
The policies chosen by governments for managing revenues from mining and petroleum resources will help to determine their ability to achieve sustainable development, writes Dr Daniel Wilde, economic adviser at the Commonwealth Secretariat.
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Analysis: Tax and revenue management for resource rich countries
A new paper published by the Commonwealth explores the tax and revenue management policies which countries should follow to reap rewards from their mineral and petroleum resources.
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New paper outlines tax and revenue policies for oil and mining
The progress of some least developed countries (LDCs) is behind expectation, finds a mid-term review of an action plan to “graduate” poorest countries to developing status
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Progress of least developed countries falling short of targets
23 November 2016 to 25 November 2016
Technical workshop on developing a National Youth Entrepreneurship Framework, 23-25 November 2016, South Africa.
13 November 2016 to 18 November 2016
Almost a year after the historic Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Morocco hosts the latest round of global climate talks.