First India-Commonwealth SME Trade Summit

Event date: 30 May 2017, 8:15 - 31 May 2017, 17:15

The India-Commonwealth Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Trade Summit is the first of its kind for Commonwealth countries.

Take 300 Indian firms and more than 100 businesses from across Commonwealth countries in one room. A recipe for trade success.

The India-Commonwealth Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Trade Summit is the first of its kind for Commonwealth countries. Business leaders and high-level policymakers will come together to strengthen trade and investment partnerships within the Commonwealth.

Among the topics to be discussed are Brexit, deepening intra-Commonwealth trade, trade facilitation in services and cross-border e-commerce.

Trade Summit website

First India SME Trade Summit

#India-#Commonwealth Small & Medium Enterprises #Trade Summit is the 1st of its kind. More info: #CommonwealthSMETS

— The Commonwealth (@commonwealthsec) May 8, 2017