Insurers, multinationals, investment banks and hedge fund managers were among the global financiers expressing support for the Commonwealth’s Regenerative Development to Reverse Climate Change (RDRCC) initiative on 27 June at Marlborough House in London.
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Commonwealth provides unique opportunity to forge new pathway to climate finance
Main page for this area of work
11 July 2017 to 13 July 2017
The Aid for Trade Global Review 2017 at the World Trade Organization in Geneva is dedicated to the theme of ‘Promoting Trade, Inclusiveness and Connectivity for Sustainable Development’.
Canada’s Minister of Finance, Bill Morneau, will chair the 2017 Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting (CFMM) in Washington, D.C., this October.
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Canada to Chair 2017 Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting
Half a dozen non-governmental membership bodies have joined the family of civil society and professional organisations that are accredited by the Commonwealth.
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Six more NGOs join list of accredited Commonwealth organisations
The government of Antigua and Barbuda has welcomed the “monumental” assistance provided by the Commonwealth in settling the country’s maritime boundaries with French territories in the Caribbean.
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Antigua and Barbuda hails ‘monumental’ support on ocean boundaries
Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland, has joined the leaders of the Francophonie, the Ibero-American General Secretariat and the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries to make a universal call on behalf of humanity at the International Economic Forum of the Americas in Montreal.
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Secretary-General joins a universal call on behalf of humanity in Montreal
A Commonwealth proposal to create a Blue Charter of principles for sustainable ocean development has been greeted with the enthusiastic support of governments and partners at this week’s UN Ocean Conference.
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‘Game changing’ Blue Charter to guide nations in sustainable ocean development
A Commonwealth study on ocean governance in the Pacific offers ways to sustainably capitalise on the economic treasures of the ocean
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Commonwealth Pacific report to shift paradigm on ocean governance
Secretary-General Patricia Scotland today urged the world to take action to protect the ocean environment and safeguard the future of nations who depend on the marine economy for national development.
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‘Preserve ocean health,’ urges Commonwealth Secretary-General at Ocean Conference
Kenya's new National Trade Policy aims to grow and enhance productivity, develop infrastructure, and improve the quality of products.
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Blog: Transforming Kenya’s economy through its first ever national trade policy
Leaders from coastal nations and small island developing states from the Commonwealth will surf a wave of optimism this week at a major United Nations summit which aims to deliver on a global promise to conserve and sustainably manage the seas.
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Commonwealth leads the way at United Nations Oceans Conference
Small island developing states (SIDS) in the Pacific have played a significant leadership role in advancing global ocean policy.
5 June 2017 to 9 June 2017
The Commonwealth includes most of the world’s small island developing states as well as many other coastal nations who depend on the seas.
The call for action of the UN Ocean Conference will set a new direction in the implementation and advancement of Sustainable Development Goal 14, incorporate new voluntary commitments and allow for the development of new multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Sekandi Abdul Karim has made a 3550-mile journey to Delhi to attend the first India-Commonwealth Small and Medium Enterprises Trade Summit.
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Delhi trade declaration: Commonwealth leaves no-one behind
Representatives from three hundred Indian firms have come together with more than 100 businesses and high-level policy makers from across the Commonwealth in New Delhi for the two-day summit to enhance trade and investment partnerships.
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India-Commonwealth summit ‘a win-win’ for all involved
Young entrepreneurs from Commonwealth countries in East Africa have proposed a raft of policy measures to boost economic growth and reduce youth joblessness.
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East African youth entrepreneur summit closes with pitch to governments
High commissioners from Australia, Canada and India joined Secretary-General Patricia Scotland at a financial services conference in London today to offer an upbeat assessment on future trade prospects in the Commonwealth.
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Commonwealth trade post-Brexit: ‘Everything is to play for’
This is why I was delighted that our message of peacebuilding, the Commonwealth theme for the year, resonated with all parties in Lesotho and with the ministers and officials I spoke to on my subsequent visit to Malawi.
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Peace-building in action: the Commonwealth family makes it truly possible
Business leaders and high-level policymakers will join forces for the first India-Commonwealth Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) trade summit.
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Inaugural summit to boost trade among India and the Commonwealth
An innovative trade initiative which is expanding opportunities for business, employment and prosperity in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries will be extended to February 2019.
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New phase for Hub and Spokes trade initiative which aids Africa, Caribbean and Pacific
Amid an unprecedented global trade slowdown, African policy-makers, negotiators and trade analysts will meet on 25-26 May 2017 in Mauritius to discuss priorities for reviving world trade and strengthening their trading capacity.
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Commonwealth African countries to discuss priorities for reviving world trade
Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland welcomed high commissioners and climate change innovators to Marlborough House today and called on them to work together on technologies and approaches that have the potential to reverse climate change.
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Secretary-General opens conference on Regenerative Development with call to action
30 May 2017 to 31 May 2017
The India-Commonwealth Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Trade Summit is the first of its kind for Commonwealth countries.
New oil discoveries off the coast of Guyana mean the country is poised to become a major new petroleum producer in the coming years.
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Guyana to reform oil laws and gain wealth fund with Commonwealth support