Roads to Clean Energy

Cover image of Roads to Clean Energy publication

This book explores how we get energy and how it is used, and charts the journey from traditional energy sources towards clean, renewable ones. Taking a global view while remaining grounded in young readers’ everyday lives, it considers why this transition is happening, and explains why no one must be left behind in the process.

All aboard! Change is here.

Have you ever seen a wind turbine spinning, or a solar panel glittering on a rooftop? You probably know a little bit about how they work – gathering energy from wind and sun to make electricity.

These things are part of a huge change that is happening in the whole world. The world is moving from traditional sources of energy like oil, coal and gas, to new, clean sources. Because our world is so interconnected, the changes we make in our own countries to the way we generate and use energy will impact other countries across the globe. Therefore we all need to work together to make sure change happens in a way that is fair to everyone all over the world and to make sure that everyone benefits from the exciting opportunities that this change can bring.

This book is one of three books about the Global (worldwide) Transition (that means change or journey) to Sustainable (long-lasting) Clean (not harmful) Energy (or power). In this book we look at why the change is happening, and the journey to sustainable energy for everyone.
