6. Appendices

The appendices to the report give further detail on Institutional Structure Relevant to Ocean Governance in Antigua and Barbuda; key policy and legislation relevant to the SBE, by area; key non-state actors relevant to the SBE transition; survey responses; and SBE overview and activities.

Figure A.1:  Legal and institutional structure for the SBE of Antigua and Barbuda

Legal and institutional structure for the SBE of Antigua and Barbuda

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Source: Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS), (2022), Antigua and Barbuda ocean governance study, (draft, unpublished), DOALOS.

Figure A.2:  Proposed structure of the DoBE as suggested by the CMEP Gap Analysis

Proposed structure of the DoBE as suggested by the CMEP Gap Analysis

Source: Commonwealth Marine Economies Programme (2021), Maritime Economy Plan: Antigua and Barbuda, Department of the Blue Economy Gap Analysis.

Appendix 5: Survey Responses


Figure A.3: Participant responses to the question, ‘Are there high-level statements (e.g. a minister or PM) in support of a blue economy?’

Figure A.4: Participant responses to the question, ‘Have any blue economy meetings or conferences been held in the country?’


Figure A.5: Participant responses to the question, ‘How much follow-up was there in your estimation?’

Institutional infrastructure and culture

Figure A.6: Participant responses to the question, ‘Is there a government ministry/department/agency/office responsible for SBE transition?’

Figure A.7:  Participant responses to the question, ‘Are there any ministerial or agency-level committees or fora in place to support cross-sectoral collaboration?’

Figure A.8:  Participant responses to the question, ‘In your view, are existing government structures sufficient to deliver a transition to an SBE?’ 

When asked what more might be needed, suggestions included:

  • an official committee (with legislative backing) that incorporates representatives from all relevant agencies;
  • technical capacity of the lead agency not fully realised;
  • resources and tools to help enforcement agencies;
  • improved multistakeholder co-ordination mechanism and information-sharing mechanism on SBE issues and priorities;
  • sound national framework; and
  • proper co-ordination.

Laws and policies

Figure A.9:  Participant responses to the question, ‘Are there policies, regulations or other guidelines in place that directly support a blue economy approach, such as a national oceans policy or blue economy roadmap (or preliminary scoping study)?’

Figure A.10:  Participant responses to the question, ‘Are there additional laws, policies, plans or programmes being discussed/developed that address the blue economy?’

Figure A.11:  Participant responses to the question, ‘As far as you are aware, is the ocean considered in plans and policies across other sectors related to the blue economy (i.e. climate, tourism, gender, health, education, research and development)?

Planning and management

Figure A.12:  Participant responses to the question, ‘Is there related policy or legislation that would support an SBE, e.g. requiring the implementation of marine special planning (MSP) or Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)?’

Sustainable finance

Figure A.13:  Participant responses to the question, ‘Are any incentives, such as subsidies, tax incentives or co-investment provided to encourage sustainable development in the marine area?’

Stakeholder engagement and coalitions

Figure A.14:  Participant responses to the question, ‘In your view, how well does government engage with non-government organisations in the SBE?’

Data and monitoring

Figure A.15:  Participant responses to the question, ‘Have the following key data needs been identified?’

Figure A.16:  Participant responses to the question, ‘Are SDG14 (life below water) indicators currently being used/monitored?’

Appendix 6: SBE Overview and Activities

High-level overview of the SBE-TF including the guiding principles, phases, timeline and cross-cutting enabling actions

High-level overview of the SBE-TF including the guiding principles, phases, timeline and cross-cutting enabling actions

Source: UNEP report (forthcoming 2023)

Phases and specific activities of the SBE-TF

Phase  Example activities

Understanding the system

1.1 Policy and institutional assessment and gap analysis

1.2 Economic baseline

1.3 Social baseline

1.4 Environmental baseline

1.5 Stakeholder analysis

1.6 Understanding system links and dynamics

Strategic policy development

2.1 Developing an SBE vision

2.2 Policy development

2.3 Sector planning

2.4 Public expenditure planning and sustainable finance

2.5 SBE integrated policy

Delivering change

 3.1 Integrated marine management

3.2 Knowledge and innovation

3.3 Capacity-building

3.4 Monitoring and evaluation

3.5 Review and adaptation
