Commonwealth Secretariat spotlights ageing well at CHOGM event

23 October 2024
Dame Carol Black at CHOGM 2024

A new report, Ageing Well in the Commonwealth: A Roadmap for Healthy Ageing Across the Life Course, launched at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa, indicates the urgent need to promote holistic wellness at all stages of life.

While young people comprise 60 per cent of the Commonwealth's population, there is a growing awareness of the need to promote healthy ageing for all 2.7 billion citizens. With advancements in healthcare, a greater understanding of wellness practices and a declining birth rate, many young people will live longer lives.

This is timely as Commonwealth member countries face the profound demographic shift of population ageing. The report, Ageing Well in the Commonwealth: A Roadmap for Healthy Ageing findings indicate that number of people aged 65 and over in Commonwealth countries is projected to rise from 231 million in 2019 to 559 million by 2050 – an increase of over 142 per cent.

Professor Dame Carol Black GBE presented the report at a CHOGM side event on 23 October 2024. The event was hosted jointly by Samoa's Ministry of Health, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the World Health Organization. Dame Carol is a physician and was President of the Royal College of Physicians (2002-2006) and has held high-level policy advisory roles on health and work in the UK.

In January 2024, she was appointed as the Commonwealth Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Ageing Well. Dame Carol is the Chair of the British Library and the Centre for Ageing Better. She also served as Principal of Newnham College in Cambridge University, where she was a Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

Healthy ageing in the Commonwealth

The Commonwealth Secretary-General, Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, explained the reason for highlighting this issue and the commissioning of the report:

"Realising the potential of our older population is essential for inclusive societies, which is at the heart of the Commonwealth Charter, and protecting and promoting health across the life course is key. We must also prepare for a significant rise in the ageing population, to minimise any negative consequences, and to identify opportunities, to allow us to better protect and promote the health and wellbeing of our populations".

We are almost at the mid-point of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, so the focus is timely. The report offers guidance to countries, stakeholders and development partners on safeguarding and promoting the rights of older people in the implementation of the SDGs.

Professor Dame Carol Black, who shaped the publication, said:

“This roadmap is the culmination of months of collaboration, research, and input from stakeholders across the Commonwealth. It is not just a document—it is a call to action. It emphasises the need for tailored responses that reflect the diversity of our Commonwealth—from the small island nations of the Pacific and Caribbean to the large, populous countries of Africa and Asia."

"There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but there is a common commitment to ensuring that no one is left behind as they age”.

The roadmap recommends a whole-system approach which enhances healthcare and social services, fosters environments that support wellbeing and active involvement, and actively discourages ageism.

Ageing Well: Key recommendations

When formulating policies to meet the challenges of an ageing population, countries are asked to consider five main objectives with associated vital actions.

The Commonwealth Secretariat report recommends:

  • Ensuring enabling and supportive environments
  • Advancing health and well-being through a life course approach
  • Providing lifelong learning, employment and volunteering opportunities
  • Promoting an age-friendly culture
  • Collecting better data, research, and monitoring progress

It furthers the Commonwealth's aim to ensure that older people can live autonomously and with dignity and encourages an environment where they can have a productive, enjoyable and meaningful life.

Download the report: Ageing Well in the Commonwealth: A Roadmap for Healthy Ageing Across the Life Course
CHOGM 2024

Media contact

  • Ijeoma Onyeator  Communications Officer, Communications Division, Commonwealth Secretariat

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