Ageing Well in the Commonwealth: A Roadmap for Healthy Ageing

Cover image of Healthy Ageing in the Commonwealth report

This roadmap establishes a framework for how Commonwealth member countries can promote healthy ageing across the life-course for all citizens, and address the current and future challenges arising from ageing populations. It offers recommendations that aim to align policies and foster collaboration between government bodies, businesses and civil society, and provides an overview of tried-and-tested solutions that can be adapted to the unique needs of each country.

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Ageing in the Commonwealth is at a critical juncture: while 60 per cent of its 2.7 billion population is under the age of 30, the number of people aged 65 and over in Commonwealth countries is projected to rise from 231 million in 2019 to 559 million by 2050 – an increase of over 142 per cent.

Across the Commonwealth, there are diverse and wide-ranging approaches to supporting the health and wellbeing of populations throughout their lives. While ageing biologically is inevitable, how we experience ageing depends largely on the environments and policies that shape our lives.

Population ageing is particularly evident in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where it presents particular and unprecedented challenges. Demographic change is causing rising demand for healthcare and long-term care, increased pressure on social support systems, and changes in labour market dynamics. It is also creating a need for policy adaptations to address the economic and social challenges associated with an ageing society.

Importantly, older individuals must be acknowledged as active contributors to these solutions. Their extensive experience and contributions to families, communities and societies play a critical role in shaping both policy and practice. Enhancing the agency of older adults by promoting their active participation in decision-making processes fosters intergenerational solidarity and reinforces the value of their contributions. Recognising older populations not simply as recipients of care but as integral participants in societal development is essential for creating inclusive and resilient societies.

This roadmap serves as a living, working document which aims to highlight the critical importance of healthy ageing to the governments of Commonwealth member countries. It establishes a framework for addressing the challenges associated with this demographic shift, and calls for action by offering recommendations that can be implemented within communities to promote better outcomes.

Healthy ageing is not solely the responsibility of health ministries. It requires a multisectoral approach involving governments, businesses and entire communities. A life-course approach is crucial to effectively addressing ageing and promoting long-term health outcomes. By prioritising early interventions – such as encouraging physical activity, education and healthy lifestyle choices – societies can greatly enhance individuals’ wellbeing as they age, setting a solid foundation for improved health in later years.

By aligning policies and fostering collaboration among government bodies, businesses and civil society, Commonwealth member countries can foster healthier, wealthier and more productive societies in which individuals thrive, work and learn throughout their lives.

The roadmap also offers member countries a summary of tried and tested solutions across thematic areas. These options can be tailored to the unique needs of each country, whether by adopting one solution, several or all of them.

Looking ahead, it is hoped that future Commonwealth high-level ministerial and technical forums will provide additional platforms for member countries to showcase their commitment to healthy ageing.
