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One of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by world leaders to guide the global development agenda until 2030 involves taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (UN, 2015a). Without access to climate finance, it is impossible for individuals and communities, especially those in developing countries, to implement ambitious climate actions. Although there is as yet no universally agreed definition of climate finance, the common understanding is that climate finance is critical in curbing climate change impacts.
Read publication - The Availability of Climate Finance for Youth
Combating climate change requires active and meaningful participation by all actors at different levels and scales, with young people at the centre as key stakeholders. Worldwide, young people are disproportionately affected by climate risks and vulnerabilities, and current trends and projections show that climate change will have more profound effects on them. This highlights the need to mainstream youth-led climate action into sustainable development programmes.
Read publication - Commonwealth Youth Policy Recommendations on Climate Change
30 November 2023 to 12 December 2023
The 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – or the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP28 – will take place from 30 November to 12 December 2023, at Expo City Dubai, UAE.
In a move to bolster treaty negotiations for an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the UK Government through the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs have convened a training programme for Commonwealth government officials.
Read news - Commonwealth Secretariat and UK Government Collaborate on Training Ahead of Key Plastics Treaty Negotiations
This report identifies a path to improving energy literacy across the Commonwealth, with a particular perspective on the needs of small states and developing countries. The objective is to identify a path to improve overall awareness and literacy that will underpin a transition to diminished climate impacts from energy production and use supported by decision-makers and consumers. ‘Energy literacy’ in this report reflects not only improved understanding of the role and operation of energy ‘systems’, but support for public and private investment in the long-term transition to climate friendly technology that continues to support consumer demand and economic growth.
Read publication - Improving Energy Literacy
On the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York yesterday the Commonwealth marked a historic moment as the inaugural Commonwealth Environment and Climate Ministers Meeting (CECMM) convened, uniting ministers, distinguished speakers, and representatives from Commonwealth member states, partner organisations and stakeholders.
Read news - Commonwealth environment and climate ministers meet for first time to chart a course towards stronger climate action
In 1967, American civil rights leader Dr Martin Luther King said in a speech, "we are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history there is such a thing as being too late." For far too many in the world today affected by our changing climate, this statement is an urgent truth.
Read news - Op-ed: The fierce urgency of now