Commonwealth instrumental in facilitating collaboration of continental shelf oversight
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Seychelles and Mauritius establish commission to manage world’s largest offshore joint zone
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Renowned Nobel Laureate and Columbia University economics professor Joseph Stiglitz will speak at a Commonwealth round table discussion on aid for trade in London on 29 August 2012.
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Professor Stiglitz to speak at Commonwealth round table on Aid for Trade
Delegates will discuss technology and integrity in elections
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Commonwealth Election Network to meet in Toronto
This is a side feature on the news story:
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Why does getting public sector accounting right matter?
Eighteen Commonwealth countries shared their plans for moving from fragile to robust accounting standards for greater economic prosperity at a Commonwealth Secretariat meeting from 18 to 20 June 2012.
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Commonwealth countries urged to strengthen their financial accounting
Organisations will co-operate on dealing with climate change and promoting sustainable development
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Regional bodies sign historic agreements at Rio+20 Commonwealth event
Explore this visual journey on how the Commonwealth Secretariat works with member countries towards the themes of the Rio+20 Earth Conference
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Rio+20 - how the Commonwealth Secretariat is tackling the issues
Article by the Secretaries-General of the Commonwealth and La Francophonie as leaders discuss global issues at the G20 Summit in Los Cabos, Mexico
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Getting it right in Los Cabos for the world’s vulnerable
London, 13 June 2012 – The Commonwealth Secretariat has partnered with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre, the Indian Ocean Commission and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme to organise a high-level panel discussion that will highlight the sustainable development concerns of small and small island developing states (SIDS) at the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development – also known as the Rio+20 Earth Conference – in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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Commonwealth and regional bodies bring voice of small states to Rio+20 Earth Conference
Projects must be bankable to attract private sector funding
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Public-private partnerships have potential to be key investment tool in Commonwealth
London, 14 May, 2012 – Mexican President Felipe Calderon and Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma today discussed the top priorities of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable states that will not be present at the G20 summit from 18 to 19 June.
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Mexican President and Commonwealth Secretary-General: G20 Summit to deliver for countries not present at G20 table
Pacific small island state seeks exclusive access to potentially lucrative seabed resources over an area of 416,000 square kilometres
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Commonwealth assists Cook Islands in accessing resource-rich seabed
Commonwealth and UNCTAD explore new trade opportunities for less developed countries
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South-South trade can be a win-win scenario – Ransford Smith
"The task we have is to consider how to achieve coherence, and at the same time, ensure that the smallest, poorest and most vulnerable countries are not left behind" - Ransford Smith
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Commonwealth Secretary-General in The Gambia
"The task we have is to consider how to achieve coherence, and at the same time, ensure that the smallest, poorest and most vulnerable countries are not left behind" - Ransford Smith
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Deputy Secretary-General to moderate high-level panel on international trading system
Commonwealth Secretariat and 16 Commonwealth Africa member states examine assistance that will deliver significant results at meeting in Rwanda
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Rwanda has gained much from Commonwealth membership - Mary Baine
"Services growth can be linked to poverty alleviation and to the Millennium Development Goals" - Ransford Smith
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Commonwealth and UNCTAD partner at Doha forum on trade in services
Commonwealth forum explores the challenges of better managing ocean resources
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Greater political will needed to create a sustainable ocean economy
Small, poor and vulnerable Commonwealth and Francophonie countries have ended a day-long outreach meeting with Mexico with a call to the G20 to support their efforts to promote food security and build green economies.
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Commonwealth and Francophonie call for G20 support on food security and green growth
Commonwealth capacity-building knowledge and experience can be tapped by the South-East Asian country
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Brunei officials on study visit to Commonwealth Secretariat
Over twenty Commonwealth countries gather to discuss sustainable marine resource development
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Commonwealth explores protecting and developing the ocean economy
The Commonwealth, the International Organisation of La Francophonie and Mexico, the 2012 chair of the G20, will convene an outreach event in Washington DC this week to bring the concerns of the smallest, poorest and most vulnerable countries to the G20 agenda.
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Commonwealth, la Francophonie and Mexico to convene G20 outreach meeting in Washington DC
“The natural fibres sector has great potential to become an engine of growth,” Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Ransford Smith
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Natural fibres key to environment and tackling poverty
“Investors want to know that when they invest in a country there is the rule of law” - Mark Guthrie, Legal Adviser at the Commonwealth Secretariat
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Rule of law key to attracting investment
Representatives of organisations which build the trade capacity of countries in the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) regions through a ‘Hub and Spokes’ programme, have hailed the achievements of the initiative and supported plans to expand the programme into a second phase.
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Commonwealth partners hail achievements of ‘Hub and Spokes’ programme