Botswana to host continent-wide initiative to combat ‘graft’
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Commonwealth launches Africa Anti-Corruption Centre
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Trade officials from 13 Commonwealth Pacific countries are meeting in Port Vila, the capital of Vanuatu, for a week-long training course on negotiating investment and trade deals.
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Commonwealth investment guide launched at trade workshop in Vanuatu
“This requires combined wisdom to explore ways of dealing with this challenge if efforts to accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals are to bear fruit” – Cyrus Rustomjee
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Commonwealth and UNDP work with Caribbean on debt challenges
Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma yesterday hosted a reception at the Commonwealth headquarters, Marlborough House in London, to thank the outgoing Chair of the Council of Commonwealth Societies, Lord Watson of Richmond, and to welcome the Council’s incoming Chair, Lord Howell of Guildford.
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Passing the mantle at the Council of Commonwealth Societies
The theme "encourages us all to celebrate the ways in which talent and innovation can be supported and put to the best use possible" - Secretary-General
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‘Opportunity through Enterprise’ – the Commonwealth theme for 2013
Speaker: Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma
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Commonwealth Secretary-General’s opening remarks at the Commonwealth Ministerial Working Group meeting on recommendations for the post-2015 development agenda
The Pacific island state to move from single commodity dependence to a diversified economy.
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Nauru to shift from phosphate to fisheries
Speaker: Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba
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Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba's welcome remarks at United Nations High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba welcomed delegates to the three-day United Nations High-Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda on 31 October 2012.
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Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General addresses post-2015 development agenda meeting
“Landmark publication” gives insight to developing country investment negotiators
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Commonwealth Investment Guide to be required reading at Caribbean University
The Role of Public Administration in Economic Growth and Job Creation
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4th Commonwealth Public Service Ministers Forum: Statement
Effective public administration vital for socio-economic development – Commonwealth Secretary-General at the Commonwealth Public Service Ministers Forum
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Shared values between the government and the governed builds trust, stability and progress
A handbook to equip developing countries with options to negotiate and strike investment agreements that promote sustainable development, growth with jobs and improved livelihoods is to be launched on 29 October 2012.
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Commonwealth to launch Guide on investment agreements
The Fourth Commonwealth Public Service Ministers Forum which will take place in New Delhi, India, from 24-26 October 2012, is aimed at enhancing public policy to foster economic growth and employment.
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Commonwealth Public Service Ministers Forum to focus on economic growth and job creation
Ugandan farmers have produced exceptional range of delicious foods - Project Director
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Commonwealth brings African organic farmers to the UK to seek markets
Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General addresses Pan African Parliament on post-Millennium Development Goals framework
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Commonwealth can make a unique contribution to new global anti-poverty targets – Masire-Mwamba
The Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting 2012 will take place in Tokyo, Japan, on 10 October.
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Commonwealth finance ministers to meet in Tokyo
Shock financing, youth unemployment, the successor framework to the Millennium Development Goals and private sector participation discussed at Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting
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Greater efforts needed to address impact of external shocks - finance ministers
A new software to help countries plan, analyse and manage sovereign debt was launched on 10 October during the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting in Tokyo, Japan.
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Commonwealth launches new tool to help countries manage debt
Commonwealth Secretariat Director of Economic Affairs Dr Rustomjee
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Q&A with Dr Cyrus Rustomjee on the Commonwealth Finance Ministers Meeting
"Taxpayers want to see their taxes spent reasonably. All these make public procurement so important and therefore a subject of tight scrutiny because where large sums of money are involved, vulnerability to abuse increases" - Tanzania Deputy Minister of Finance
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Commonwealth conference examines reforms to improve service delivery to citizens
Nobel prize-winning economist Professor Joseph Stiglitz has called for an enshrining of a ‘Right to Trade’ in the global trading regime, as a new initiative to help the trade performances of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable economies.
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Stiglitz proposes new ways to help trade performance of poorest and small vulnerable economies
Professor Stiglitz participated in a Commonwealth roundtable on Aid for Trade on 29 August. Following the discussion he spoke to the Commonwealth about trade, the current global economic situation and the multilateral trading system
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Q&A with Nobel prize-winning economist Professor Joseph Stiglitz
Dialogue and development key to deepening and broadening scope of collaboration.
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Commonwealth and the Pacific – offering practical assistance through partnership
A series of historic treaties to settle maritime boundaries in the Pacific were signed today at the 43rd Pacific Islands Forum in Rarotonga, Cook Islands.
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Historic Pacific maritime boundary agreements concluded with Commonwealth assistance