Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Dr Josephine Ojiambo's speaks at the 2015 Commonwealth Local Government Conference, Gaborone, Botswana
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Supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
Main page for this area of work
The Third Commonwealth Stakeholders’ Conference on Public Debt Management will take place in Johannesburg from 17-19 June 2015.
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Managing public debt in an uncertain era
The Commonwealth is developing decisive action plans, based on new and globally leading research, to tackle institutionalised exclusion of women in public bodies and private companies.
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Breaking the glass ceiling in public and private sector leadership
Statement by Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma
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World Oceans Day 2015
23 June 2015 to 24 June 2015
Providing a platform for officials, experts, the private sector and other stakeholders to meet and review emerging and long-standing trade-related issues.
The heads of anti-corruption agencies in Africa have called for greater collaboration between governments, media, the public and international organisations, as part of a coordinated drive to root out corruption across the continent.
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African agencies seek broad coalition to fight corruption
Senior officials and trade associations from East Africa will meet to consider introducing an international trade system to enable freer transportation of goods.
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Paving a new route for trade in East Africa
Senior officials and experts from Africa met in Nairobi to consider implications of new global trade architecture.
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African integration vital for global trade success
The Government of Grenada is working with the Commonwealth Secretariat to explore ways of boosting the country’s export potential.
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Grenada explores options for export development
To drive business and create employment opportunities, youth entrepreneurship organisations from six East African Commonwealth countries have agreed to join forces and form a regional alliance.
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Better for business – Young East African entrepreneurs join forces
Ministers called for greater investment to strengthen health systems in efforts to combat non-communicable diseases
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Ministers focus on investing in health
Theme: Universal Health Coverage, with an emphasis on ageing and good health.
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Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting 2015: Ministerial Statement
OP-ED by Deputy Secretary-General Deodat Maharaj
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The Caribbean needs radical thinking and bold actions
Guyana Elections 2015: Commonwealth Observer Group arrival statement by Hon Kate Wilkinson
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Guyana Elections 2015: Commonwealth Observer Group Arrival Statement
The working session will be convened by the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Commonwealth Forum for National Human Rights Institutions in Kigali, Rwanda, 5-7 May 2015.
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National human rights institutions meet to consider stronger efforts to end child marriage
Delegates from small states at Commonwealth Conference on Finance for Development in Small States.
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Small states call for concessions
5 May 2015 to 7 May 2015
'The Future of the Caribbean: Disruptive thinking. Bold action. Practical outcomes'
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Caribbean youth priorities take centre stage at Ministerial meeting in Antigua and Barbuda
26 May 2015 to 27 May 2015
This will be the first major conference on mega-trading blocs in Africa and bring together policymakers and standards-setting bodies to share policy perspectives and insights about mega-trading blocs.
'Youth, Innovation and Sustainable Development: the Commonwealth in a Post-2015 World'.
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Commonwealth Lecture
Commonwealth and La Francophonie member countries take part in “vital” dialogue with the G20 in Washington DC on 14 April.
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Commonwealth and La Francophonie to hold “vital” dialogue with G20
Project aims to boost prospects of Caribbean small states in areas such as security, innovation and energy and private sector development.
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Commonwealth project to boost the development prospects of Caribbean small states
Newly-established CEGT meets for the first time in Malta to consider trade challenges.
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Trade experts steer new course for developing Commonwealth countries
Senior officials and legal experts meet to consider rule of law and post-2015 development agenda from the perspective of small Commonwealth states.
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Promoting rule of law for development in small states
A Commonwealth working group on trade will meet in Malta for the first time to consider challenges affecting member countries.
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New forum to tackle Commonwealth trade challenges