Barbados conference to boost small states’ access to development finance
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Barbados conference to boost small states’ access to development finance
Main page for this area of work
Small states to have say on rule of law and justice in post-2015 negotiations
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Small states to have say on rule of law and justice in post-2015 negotiations
The Commonwealth Secretariat and African Union have held discussions in Addis Ababa on ways to strengthen collaboration in trade advocacy, electoral support and women’s leadership, among other areas.
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Commonwealth and African Union strengthen partnership to assist member countries
Visit of the Secretary-General to UNESCO
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Visit of the Secretary-General to UNESCO
25 March 2015 to 26 March 2015
The Conference on Financing for Development in Small States will bring together senior officials from Ministries of Finance, representatives from national and regional organisations, international financial institutions and UN agencies.
Ministers and senior officials responsible for gender equality and women’s empowerment will meet in New York from 12 -15 March 2015.
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New York consultation to focus on women's political leadership and post-2015 agenda
Malta Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting announcement
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Malta Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting announcement
International Women’s Day 2015: ‘Equality for Women is Progress for All’
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International Women’s Day 2015: ‘Equality for Women is Progress for All’
Durban bids to host XXII Commonwealth Games
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Durban bids to host XXII Commonwealth Games
Kamalesh Sharma addressed the High Level Segment of the UN Human Rights Council's 28th Regular Session in Geneva on 3 March 2015.
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Secretary-General addresses UN Human Rights Council
Commonwealth Observer Group's Interim Statement on the 2015 National Assembly Election in Lesotho
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Lesotho election: Commonwealth Observer Group interim statement
The Commonwealth of Learning has set out a strategy to expand the “efficiency, scale and quality” of education across the 53-nation Commonwealth community.
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Commonwealth of Learning targets education and skills in developing countries
Education Ministers Meeting “critical” for better education systems
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Education Ministers Meeting “critical” for better education systems
OP-ED by Deputy Secretary-General Deodat Maharaj
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The Blue Economy offers rich rewards to countries that seize the moment
Commonwealth Business Forum 2015 launched in London
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Commonwealth Business Forum 2015 launched in London
Reception to Launch 2015 Commonwealth Business Forum. Remarks by Commonwealth Secretary-General, Kamalesh Sharma
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Reception to launch 2015 Commonwealth Business Forum
Commonwealth governments have set out recommendations to look at ways to counter the risks and maximise potential economic benefits of virtual currencies.
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Commonwealth governments call for legislative reforms to prevent criminal exploitation of virtual currencies
International experts and representatives of Commonwealth governments will meet to explore issues around the rapid development of virtual currencies, and to identify potential benefits they could offer to developing countries.
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Commonwealth governments and international experts consider benefits and risks of virtual currencies
Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma announces the new online health initiative ‘CommonHealth’.
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Secretary-General announces new online health initiative ‘CommonHealth’
Africa Region Youth Ministers made a number of commitments in a statement to advance youth development across the region with a view to giving young people better support and resources.
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Youth Ministers endeavour to stem rising threat of extremism by prioritising youth development
Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) helps over 30,000 Commonwealth citizens gain Masters and PhD qualifications
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Commonwealth Scholarships: 50 years of building human resources
On 21-22 January senior decision makers from the business community, government, donor agencies, academia and civil society met in Kingston to discuss the design of Jamaica’s second National Export Strategy (NES).
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Second National Export Strategy designed to improve Jamaica's global competitiveness
Commonwealth Observer Group for forthcoming Nigerian Presidential and National Assembly Elections will be led by Dr Bakili Muluzi, former President of Malawi.
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Former Malawian President to lead Commonwealth observers for Nigerian elections
Hub and Spokes II Programme: planning, coordination and governance meeting - welcome and opening remarks by Deodat Maharaj, Deputy Secretary General
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Enhancing Trade Capacity Development in Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific
The next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) will be held in Malta, from 27 to 29 November 2015.
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Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting to be held on 27-29 November 2015