The Global Sport and SDG Impact Report will be the first global baseline report on the global data available to evidence the contribution that physical education, physical activity and sport make to sustainable development. This policy brief offers a preview of that report, explaining its methodology and indicators, and highlighting areas in which measurable progress has been made and where gaps in the evidence have been found.
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The Global Sport and Sustainable Development Goals Impact Report
A spirited debate, delivered by passionate sports and health experts, inspired powerful conversations among the audience gathered at Marlborough House, the headquarters of the Commonwealth Secretariat, and those gathered online.
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Teams debate the power of sport at the Commonwealth Secretariat
This year is a particularly important year for the Commonwealth, following the 2022 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, where Heads of Government declared 2023 to be the Year of Youth and Year of Peace for the Commonwealth.
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Blog: Using Sport to promote reform on physical, mental health and climate change
4 April 2023 to 4 April 2023
The Commonwealth Secretariat, in partnership with the University of Edinburgh, will host its 7th annual Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development on 4 April.
Members of the Commonwealth Secretariat's Sport for the Development and Peace team, together with the appointed consultants Thuso Group, have met with the Hon Samal Mojah Duggins, Minister with Responsibility for Sport and Culture (Creative Economy), the Permanent Secretary Valencia Syder and the members of the National Sports Council (NSC) in St Kitts and Nevis to help support the implementation of the nation's National Sport Policy.
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St Kitts and Nevis to become 'role model for other Commonwealth countries' with National Sport Policy
Sporting institutions are urged to join a project seeking to measure the impact of sport and physical activity on sustainable development.
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Open call for sporting Commonwealth institutions to join data collection project
Two inspiring young Sports Ministers, who were previously Commonwealth Youth Network (CYC) representatives, met with Secretary-General Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC while at the Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting (10CSMM) last month.
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International Youth Day: Young Sports Ministers unite with Secretary General at 10th Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting
The Commonwealth Secretariat has recognised three outstanding people for their work in promoting Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) across the world.
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Three sport leaders awarded for promoting sport for development and peace
Op-ed by Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC
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Op-ed: Transformative week spent at Birmingham Commonwealth Games
As the 2022 Commonwealth Games opens in Birmingham today and the Commonwealth Decade of Sport commences, the Commonwealth Secretariat is working to leverage the vital role that access to sport can play in promoting peace, better health, equal rights and sustainable development across the Commonwealth’s 56 member countries.
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The Commonwealth Games are an opportunity to promote inclusion and advance human rights through sport
Trinidad and Tobago announce they will host Commonwealth Youth Games in Summer 2023 at the 10th Commonwealth Sports Ministerial Meeting.
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Sports ministers set human rights and health targets at Commonwealth Games' meeting
Blog by Human Rights Unit of the Commonwealth Secretariat
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Blog: 10th Sports Ministers Meeting important for ensuring human rights for all through sport
Blog by H E Deryck Lance Murray, chair of the Commonwealth Advisory Body on Sport (CABOS)
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Blog: Commonwealth Games and 10csmm ministers meeting ideal opportunity to harness the inspirational power of sport
Those interested in utilising Sport for Sustainable Development in their local communities are invited to sign-up for a free online course.
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Free online course on utilising Sport for Sustainable Development
Over 200 take part in scheme and football tournament in the Maldives.
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Football workshops teach young people new skills including resilience to extremism
Kigali, Rwanda - The upcoming Commonwealth Games will inspire and empower all Commonwealth citizens, in turn helping to boost development and health outcomes following the COVID-19 pandemic, Ministers and sport sector representatives have heard.
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Birmingham 2022 to help boost development and health outcomes across the Commonwealth
27 July 2022 to 27 July 2022
Commonwealth governments will convene in Birmingham, UK, for the 10th Commonwealth Sports Ministers Meeting (10CSMM) on 27th July 2022. The meeting, convened by the Commonwealth Secretariat and hosted by the host nation’s government, is held every two years alongside the Commonwealth Games or Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The Commonwealth Secretariat has marked this year’s International Day of Sport for Development and Peace by bringing together a host of experts for a lively debate on the role of human rights in sport.
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Access to sport is a crucial tool for promoting human rights and equality across the Commonwealth, say debaters
A blog by Dr Lin Sambili, Project Manager, Sport for Development and Peace (SDP), Commonwealth Secretariat
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Blog: Clear data key to monitoring progress on human rights targets within the sporting sector
A blog by Dr Lin Sambili, Project Manager, Sport for Development and Peace (SDP), Commonwealth Secretariat
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Blog: How the Commonwealth is promoting and protecting human rights through access to sport
31 March 2022 to 31 March 2022
The Commonwealth Secretariat will host its 6th annual Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development on 31 March.
This year’s debate on Sport and Sustainable Development, one of the seminal events in the sporting calendar, will focus on the timely issue of human rights.
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6th Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development
Learn about the Implications of COVID-19 for Community Sport and Physical Activity
Learn more about Commonwealth Moves
Learn more about Measuring the contribution of sport to the Sustainable Development Goals