The Annual Meeting of the New Producers Group will be held virtually from 1-3rd December 2020.

The Annual Meeting of the New Producers Group (NPG) will be held virtually from 1-3rd December 2020.
NPG is a joint initiative between Chatham House, the Natural Resources Governance Institute and the Commonwealth Secretariat. It was created in 2012 to support countries that are relatively new to the oil and gas industry in achieving positive and inclusive development outcomes. It is a collaborative network of over 30 countries, half of which are Commonwealth member states.
The 2020 Annual Meeting is held against the backdrop of a global pandemic, an unprecedented collapse in oil prices, hampered or halted operations, project cancellations and increased uncertainty on investments. This has had devasting impacts in countries where the petroleum sector is a key part of the economy, with significant lost government revenues, foreign exchange, jobs and potential implications for national debt. In addition to these immediate effects there will also be ramifications from the global energy transition towards a lower carbon economy.
The theme of this year's meeting is The Impact of COVID-19 and the Energy Transition and will focus on how new and emerging producers can adapt and build back better in light of these factors.
Panel Discussions
There will be three plenary sessions with subject matter experts, who will share insights on the nature and possible impacts of current and future disruptions, global trends in the industry and policy implications. Please register interest below.
- Tues 1st December (2:00-4:00pm GMT): “New Realities”
- Wed 2nd December, 2:00-4:00pm GMT: “Upstream investment trends”
- Thurs 3rd December, 2:00-3:15pm GMT: “Build Back Better”
Government Breakout Sessions
The plenaries on the 2nd and 3rd December will be followed by closed sessions for government officials in which they will delve deeper into implications for countries in similar circumstances. Please contact [email protected] to register interest.
- Wed 2nd December 3:45-5:00pm: Government strategies in
- Exploration and licensing phase
- Pre-FID (Final Investment Decision) Phase
- Production phase
- Thurs 3rd December 3:45-5:00pm: Government strategies for
- National Oil Companies
- Local content
- Lower methane emissions, flaring of gas, and carbon footprint
- Using petroleum revenues to fund a resilient economy and environment
Learn more about:
- Document
- The Commonwealth Secretariat’s work in Natural Resources