Latest content: Commonwealth Blue Charter

Below are all latest news articles and upcoming events related to Commonwealth Blue Charter. 

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are the main mechanism by which countries communicate their ambitions and efforts in support of the Paris Agreement. Starting in 2023 and every five years thereafter, governments take stock of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, known as the global stocktake (GST). The GST holds countries accountable for their collective efforts to achieve the targets they set themselves in 2015,and tracks the progress made. Recent analysis of country NDC commitments shows that progress is not happening ‘at a pace or scale consistent with achieving’ the goals of the Paris Agreement. Urgent transformational change is needed.
Read publication - 'Blueing' the NDCs: An Updated Review of Ocean-Based Nationally Determined Contributions of Commonwealth Countries
14 November 2023 to 14 November 2023
Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference COP28, experts and government officials will discuss the ongoing threat of ocean acidification, and its damaging impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems, blue food systems and sustainable blue economies.
In a move to bolster treaty negotiations for an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the UK Government through the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs have convened a training programme for Commonwealth government officials.
Read news - Commonwealth Secretariat and UK Government Collaborate on Training Ahead of Key Plastics Treaty Negotiations
The Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland KC, visited Vanuatu on April 29th and 30th to address climate justice and climate action issues for the Pacific. Her visit came at a critical time for Vanuatu, which is still recovering from the devastating impact of two Category 4 cyclones, Judy and Kevin, that hit the country in early March.
Read news - Commonwealth Secretary-General Visits Vanuatu Post-Cyclone Judy and Kevin to Discuss Climate Action and Climate Justice
By Subaskar Sitsabeshan, Outreach and Project Development Manager, Commonwealth Blue Charter

Last month, the champion countries of the Commonwealth Blue Charter gathered in Ottawa, Canada to reflect on joint progress to date in advancing ocean sustainability, and to chart a course for the next phase of the Blue Charter. As Outreach and Project Development Manager for this flagship initiative, I was excited to attend this long-awaited meeting, which had been postponed for three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read news - Championing the ocean - Takeaways from the Commonwealth Blue Charter All-Champions Meeting