9. Cybercrime in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Case Study of Commonwealth APAC Countries

Olajide O. Oyadeyi, Imperial College Business School; email: [email protected]

Oluwadamilola Adeola Oyadeyi, PhD candidate, University of Ibadan (Nigeria); [email protected]

Rofiat Omolola Bello, Oxford Brookes University; email: [email protected]

The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region has witnessed a digital transformation in the past decade. There have been many factors behind this shift, including technological breakthroughs, heightened internet accessibility, evolving consumer patterns and efforts by governmental bodies and enterprises to embrace digital solutions. The region has also become a target for cybercrime as a result of its economic potential, expanding internet presence and comparatively inadequate levels of cyber-resilience. This article discusses the susceptibility of APAC to cyberattacks as well as the way recent events have exacerbated its vulnerability, leading to a need to enhance cyber-resilience within the region.

In response to such attacks, there has been a concerted emphasis on bolstering cybersecurity, fostering collaboration among law enforcement agencies and enacting regulatory measures to address cybercrime and related illicit online activity at both international and regional levels. This has entailed the co-operation of governmental bodies, law enforcement entities, financial institutions, technology corporations and international establishments in enhancing cybersecurity measures, exchanging information on potential threats and implementing more stringent regulations to reduce organised criminal activities in the era of digitalisation. Efforts to mitigate cyber-vulnerabilities are continuously evolving and may vary across different countries within the APAC region. In light of the dynamic nature of the threat landscape, ongoing collaboration and proactive actions to foster cyber-resilience and effectively combat cybercriminal activities are vital.

The relatively large surge in cybercriminal activities in APAC compared with other regions presents considerable obstacles for cybersecurity, law enforcement and the broader security environment in the region. There is a need for a comprehensive strategy encompassing the reinforcement of cybersecurity protocols, the augmentation of law enforcement capacities, the facilitation of international collaboration and the elevation of public consciousness regarding the perils associated with cybercrime.