The Commonwealth Says NO MORE - Together we can end domestic violence & sexual assault

Commonwealth Says NO MORE brings together the Commonwealth Secretariat and the NO MORE Foundation. It is the first-ever pan-Commonwealth platform to address domestic and sexual violence. 

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Positive action

The Commonwealth Says NO MORE partnership aims to help Commonwealth member countries take positive action and build on their work to address gender-based violence, gender equality, women’s empowerment and other health and education priorities for women and girls.

Commonwealth Says NO MORE promotes a positive partnership for change by building a coalition of governments, businesses, civil society and citizens committed to ending violence against women and girls.

Did you know?

of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence.
women and girls worldwide were killed by their intimate partners or other family members in 2022.
$1.5 trillion
is lost globally every year due to the consequences of violence against women and girls.

Critical resources

Launched in 2020, Commonwealth Says NO MORE helps member countries record accurate data on the prevalence of violence, deliver grassroots projects, train community leaders, educate bystander responses and provide critical resources for those at risk.

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Cover of report 'Measuring the Economic Costs of Violence Against Women and Girls'


Measuring the economic costs of violence against women and girls

Violence against women and girls is a global problem. Worldwide, it is estimated that one woman in three will experience some form of VAWG during their lifetime.

Aside from the physical and mental toll of violence, VAWG disrupts peace and stability within families, friends and communities. There is also an often unseen economic cost to societies and countries.

This Facilitator's Guide provides a tool to measure the financial and economic impact of VAWG throughout the Commonwealth and beyond.  

Read the guide