The conference is taking place from 7 to 12 May and will be attended by The Princess Royal, High Commissioners and outstanding senior leaders from across the Commonwealth.

Yesterday at Marlborough House, the Commonwealth’s Headquarters, Secretary-General Patricia Scotland welcomed The Commonwealth Study Conference Leaders 2017 Challenge. The conference is taking place from 7 to 12 May and will be attended by The Princess Royal, High Commissioners and outstanding senior leaders from across the Commonwealth.
The conference is set up around a central challenge, with this year’s being ‘What could be the future of energy in Commonwealth cities?’ This challenge will be discussed by the participants after hearing from experts and thought leaders. In addition, the participants will partake in study tours based throughout London over the next five days.
The first Commonwealth Study Conference was convened by The Duke of Edinburgh in 1956. This was soon followed by the establishment of the Commonwealth Secretariat in 1965. Since then, The Commonwealth Study Conferences, together with closely-related and overlapping initiatives including the Emerging Leaders Dialogues, 33Sixty and Common Purpose are outstanding expressions of the Commonwealth flair for leadership and partnership.
Secretary-General Scotland expressed her delight to be working in closer association with all these initiatives and commented ‘I know that strong and lively partnerships are maintained among Commonwealth Study Conference alumni, and I would encourage you also to search out and become involved with other Commonwealth organisations active in your professional and personal spheres of interest’.
With increasing cooperation between the Commonwealth Study Conference Leaders and the Commonwealth Secretariat, there is new and encouraging levels of interaction and mutual support for the future.
The next Commonwealth Study Conferences will take place in Mumbai, India from 9 to 12 October 2017.