Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland says partnership key to achieving prosperity for all Jamaicans

Secretary-General Patricia Scotland will meet with Jamaica’s Prime Minister, Andrew Holness, to discuss how the Commonwealth can assist Jamaica's economic and social development, including addressing public debt, trade and climate change.
During the dialogue, which will take place today in Kingston, Jamaica, Secretary-General Scotland will congratulate the recently elected PM for his victory at the polls in March, and listen to his priorities for his term in office.
The Secretary-General said: “I welcome Prime Minister Holness’ pledge to build partnerships with national and international agencies to achieve prosperity for all Jamaicans. My hope is that he will consider Commonwealth collaboration a key part of his strategy to make this aspiration a reality.”
The Secretary-General will fly to Jamaica from New York, where she witnessed the signing of the landmark global agreement to tackle climate change at United Nations headquarters – a deal which the Commonwealth was instrumental in shaping. During her visit to Jamaica, she will meet members of the Government, the opposition, the Jamaica Electoral Commission and Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West Indies.