Their work with, and on behalf of, young people is truly outstanding and deserves to be lauded” – Katherine Ellis, Director, Youth Division

Their work with, and on behalf of, young people is truly outstanding and deserves to be lauded” – Katherine Ellis, Director, Youth Division
17 October 2014 - The Commonwealth is pleased to announce the finalists for the Commonwealth Youth Worker Awards 2014, which recognise the contribution of youth workers and their enduring positive impact on young people and local communities.
Twelve youth workers from countries as diverse as Ghana, India, Jamaica and Malaysia have been selected as regional finalists. Winners will be announced on 5 November, during Commonwealth Youth Work Week, at a ceremony at the Houses of Parliament in London.
The Commonwealth Youth Worker Awards acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of outstanding youth workers from across the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 53 countries.
Katherine Ellis, Director of Youth at the Commonwealth Secretariat, said: “Youth workers inspire, empower and support young people, playing a vital role in their individual development, and also in national development. With these awards, we are giving the youth work profession the credit and recognition it rightly deserves.”
“It is especially heartening that we have received so many strong entries this year. These finalists represent the beating heart of youth work. Their submissions are truly cutting edge and deserve to be lauded. We are looking forward to announcing the winners in a few weeks’ time.”
The judging panel for the awards included representatives of the Commonwealth Secretariat, youth professionals and young people. One winner will be selected from each region, and one of the regional winners will be declared Commonwealth Youth Worker of the Year 2014.
Youth Work Week takes place from 3 to 9 November 2014. This pan-Commonwealth celebration of youth work was established by the Commonwealth in partnership with the UK’s National Youth Agency. This year, the theme is ‘Youth empowerment through soft skills’.
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The finalists for the Commonwealth Youth Worker Awards 2014 are (in alphabetical country order):

Ghana - Peter Akai Anum, National Director, Head of State Awards
Peter is the National Director for the Head of State Award, a youth achievement award in Ghana. As a youth worker, he has spearheaded projects to engage young people in sports, skills development and voluntary service, and has facilitated several youth development forums.

Kenya - Abdikadir Aden Hassan, Chief Executive, Youth for Environmental Sustainability Network
Abdikadir Aden Hassan is an award-winning young Kenyan environmentalist. He founded the Youth for Environmental Sustainability Network, which has increased the participation of women, the disabled, and young people in conservation issues, and has facilitated these marginalised groups in gaining access to funding opportunities.

South Africa - Bernice Hlagala, Social Worker and Senior Policy Analyst, The Presidency/University of Venda
Dr R. Bernice Hlagala is a Senior Manager responsible for youth development in The Presidency of South Africa. She served as a lecturer in the Institute of Youth Studies at the University of Venda, and introduced the Youth Outreach Work programme, which allowed students to gain practical experience in youth work.

Uganda - Dan Boston, Founder and Managing Director, R.A.I.S.E
Dan Boston is a developer and facilitator of the RAISE (Reap what you saw, Aspire for the best, Invest in your future, Start now, Education is the key) teaching programme, which aims to equip young people in East Africa and Uganda with the skills to become job creators.

India - Pravin Nikam, Founder, ROSHNI Youth Organization
Pravin Nikam founded Paritranaya, a youth organisation focused on providing education and improving the health conditions of children living in slums. He has implemented projects to develop their communication, science and artistic skills. He is also Global Youth Ambassador for A World at School, raising awareness for girls’ education in rural areas.
India - Aprajita Pandey, Haiyya: Organize for Action
Aprajita Pandey is the Delhi Manager of Haiyya, a grassroots NGO formed to strengthen participatory democracy in urban neighbourhoods around India. She has worked with the Special Cell for Women and Children in Mumbai on issues such as violence against women, child sexual abuse, and reproductive and child rights.
Malaysia - Raj Ridvan Singh, Co-Founder/Social Entrepreneur, SOLS 24/7
Raj Ridvan Singh is a teacher who founded SOLS 24/7 Malaysia, an award-winning humanitarian organisation that provides education, networks and social services to underserved communities. He has also established sister organisations in Timor Leste and Cambodia. SOLS 24/7 has a presence in over 100 local communities.

Sri Lanka - Witharanage Sachinda Dulanjana, Founder, H3 Foundation (Hearts & Hands of Humanity)
Witharanage Sachinda Dulanjana established the H3 Foundation – Heart & Hands of Humanity -, a youth organisation that promotes volunteerism among young people. He is a Youth Advisor to the UN’s Country team on Sri Lanka, and is a member of the British Council’s Active Citizens Programme.

Jamaica - Takisha Sten-Barnes, National Centre for Youth Development, Ministry of Youth and Culture
Takisha is the Director of Youth Programmes for the National Centre for Youth Development in Jamaica. She oversees the country’s National Youth Council and spearheaded the Creativity for Employment and Business Opportunity entrepreneurship training programme for young people.

Montserrat - Loni Howe, Youth Officer, Ministry of Education & Youth Affairs
Loni Howe is a Youth Officer in the Montserrat government. In this role, she has managed several youth-related projects, including HYPE (Helping Youth Prepare for Employment), an apprenticeship and mentoring programme for young people. She is also the founder of the Montserrat National Youth Choir.
Trinidad & Tobago - Steven Edwards, Founder, Executive Chairman and Creative Director, Transformation Through Theatre and Technology
Steven Edwards is a theatre and film producer. He is the chief architect of the Transformation Through Theatre and Technology, a youth rehabilitation programme that utilises theatre and technology to assist vulnerable youth through training and employment opportunities.
Trinidad & Tobago - Derrick Sharbodie, Founder and Manager for St James Police Youth Club
Derrick Sharbodie is the founder and manager of the St. James Police Youth Club in Trinidad and Tobago. Its main focus is to expose youth to productive activities in education, sports, and community service. Mr Sharbodie is also Coordinator of Project Excel, a drug prevention programme geared towards young people.
Notes to Editors
The Commonwealth Secretariat’s youth development work is delivered through the Commonwealth Youth Programme, which has been running for more than 40 years.
We promote the youth work profession through facilitating youth work education and training, sharing and celebrating good practice, and advocating for national and international youth worker associations.
If you wish to contact the finalists, please email Will Henley, Communications Officer.