Cyclone Roanu in Bangladesh

22 May 2016

Condolences and deep sympathy to the government and people of Bangladesh following tragic loss of life, displacement of people and widespread devastation.

Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland today expressed her condolences and deep sympathy to the government and people of Bangladesh following the tragic loss of life, displacement of people and widespread devastation caused by Cyclone Roanu.

Speaking at the Commonwealth Health Ministers Meeting today in Geneva, Switzerland, she said: “On behalf of the entire Commonwealth family of nations I wish to express our sorrow to everyone in Bangladesh who has been bereaved, and our solidarity with all who have been displaced or affected in any other way as they rebuild their lives and livelihoods following this disaster.

“We pay tribute to the emergency services and all involved with the responses to personal trauma and destruction of infrastructure and property caused by Cyclone Roanu".

Commonwealth Health Ministers joined the Secretary-General in expressing solidarity with the government and people of Bangladesh, and renewed their commitment to collective action to tackle the negative impact and consequences for human health and wellbeing increasingly being caused by climate change and natural disasters.