Latest content: Secretary-General

The Commonwealth Secretary-General, Patricia Scotland, urges the democratic will of the people of The Gambia to be respected, and encourages the continuation of the peaceful, constitutional and dignified transition that has already commenced following the 1 December election.
Read news - Secretary-General encourages continuation of peaceful, constitutional and dignified transition in The Gambia
Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has told an audience at the Transparency International-UK Anti-Corruption Lecture 2016 in London that corruption ‘is a scourge which holds in thrall millions of our Commonwealth sisters and brothers, condemning them to servitude, poverty, disease, indignity and misery’.
Read news - Secretary-General commits Commonwealth ‘to eliminate the scourge of corruption’ at Transparency International lecture
As the world marks the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, I stand with millions of men and women around the world to say NO to violence! We will not accept that violence is a part of culture. We reject any suggestions that women and girls are mere possessions to be used and abused.
Read news - ‘We will bring down rates of violence against women’ Commonwealth chief lays out plan to tackle gender-based violence