The Commonwealth Secretariat in partnership with the New Zealand Electoral Commission (NZEC) and the Pacific Islands, Australia, and New Zealand Electoral Administrators (PIANZEA) Network will host a training workshop for Commonwealth Election Professionals (CEP) based in the Pacific region from 7 to 11 November 2022.

The workshop will be held under the theme, “Absentee Voting - Enhancing Election Management Body (EMB) Resilience and Inclusiveness” and will bring together election professionals from the Commonwealth Pacific to share good practices and solutions to common issues and challenges in the delivery of transparent, credible, and inclusive electoral processes. They will also be joined by non-Commonwealth members of the PIANZEA Network, whose goal is to continue and maintain - in the Pacific spirit - a close association of regional electoral administrators to facilitate and encourage the free flow of electoral information among member countries and to provide assistance, where possible.
Over five days, the workshop will cover the following topics:
- Monday, 7 November: The Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) Perspective
- Tuesday, 8 November: Types and methods of absentee voting used in the Pacific (country presentations and discussion panels)
- Wednesday, 9 November: Exploration of absentee voting types and methods in detail
- Thursday, 10 November: Operational and legislative requirements to enact different types of absentee voting
- Friday, 11 November: Policy issues, parliament and stakeholder information and consensus building to enact different types of absentee voting
The Commonwealth Election Professionals (CEP) Initiative is an Australian-funded, multi-year project that provides professional development opportunities to election professionals across the Commonwealth. Since 2013, over 220 election professionals from 48 EMBs have participated in at least one of twelve regional training events.
Please note that this is a closed workshop and participation is by invitation only. For further information, please contact the Secretariat’s Electoral Support Section at [email protected]
Learn more about our electoral support work
Media Contact
- Angela Kolongo Communications Officer, Communications Division, Commonwealth Secretariat
- T: +44 7587 881503 | E-mail