This event will reflect on the work carried out by Blue Charter Action Groups over the past year within the context of wider ocean issues.

This event will reflect on the work carried out by Blue Charter Action Groups over the past year within the context of wider ocean issues.
The Commonwealth Blue Charter was a landmark document launched at CHOGM 2018 where all 53 Commonwealth countries galvanised their support for ocean action. Progress under the Blue Charter is being carried out through member-led Action Groups on issues from ocean acidification to coral and mangrove restoration, and from marine plastics to the blue economy.
To mark a year since the launch of the Commonwealth Blue Charter, the Commonwealth Secretariat is bringing together the champion countries leading those Action Groups, to consider how further progress can be made. During this workshop, the Secretariat is also connecting these representatives with potential external partners, to consider how they can achieve more, together.
Taholo Kami landscape
Beverly Wade landscape