Consultant Fees: £20,000 (Including VAT)

Duty Station: Home-based

Proposed period: January 2023 – August 2024

Closing Date: 5:PM GMT on 30 November 2023.


At the 2022 Commonwealth Heads of Government’s Meeting (CHOGM), the Commonwealth Heads of Government declared 2023 as the ‘Year of the Youth’, dedicated to youth-led action for sustainable and inclusive development. This is in recognition of the important role that the young people play to promote sustainable development in the Commonwealth and the world at large. The commemoration of the year affords the various policy actors in the Commonwealth to reflect on how their work can contribute directly or raise awareness on the opportunities and challenges to the advancement of youth development in the Commonwealth Region.

Objectives and purpose

Broad objective of this assignment is to prepare and publish a publication which will help to raise awareness amongst policy makers, development actors, the youth and other stakeholders on the impact of unsustainable debt burdens on youth development and other youth related social activities. The publication is also expected to recommend feasible policy options to innovatively scale up financing for youth development, in line with the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.  

Expected Output:

The consultant will work with the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Debt Management Unit to prepare a publication on Public Debt and Youth Development in the Commonwealth Region.

Major responsibilities will include, though not limited to, the following activities:

  1. Finalize and submit outline of the publication, based on the concept note developed by the Secretariat;
  2. Source and prepare relevant Commonwealth-wide data to support the publication;
  3. Prepare and submit draft publication based on assigned chapters;
  4. Deliver presentations at meetings on submissions;
  5. Incorporate feedback from the team and revise work, where necessary;
  6. Present final work and make a presentation to the team by the agreed timelines; and
  7. Undertake any ancillary works that become expedient for the successful delivery of the assignment.

The detailed output and format will be discussed further and agreed prior to the commencement of the contract. The Secretariat will provide research support in the form of staff on relevant topics of the publication.


We encourage EOIs from individuals with broad expertise in sovereign debt management and youth development in the Commonwealth. At a minimum, the individual should have the following expertise:

  • Minimum of 15 years’ hands-on experience in Sovereign debt management.
  • Considerable experience working on Youth development.
  • Experience in delivering research-based assignments.
  • Experience in publishing articles and publications in the subject areas of public debt, youth development, or other related areas of economic and social development.

Please apply for this contract by submitting a Proposal to: [email protected] by 5 PM GMT on 30 November 2023.  Applicants must also complete the Quote Submission Documents attached to the Request for Quotation (RFQ) document.

The brief proposal should show how the consultancy would be carried out to meet the specific objectives set out in this TOR. It should include a short statement of the candidate’s relevant expertise and experience. 

Evaluation will be based on competency and cost.


For information on our approach to procurement read our Procurement Policy Summary