Location: Home-Based

Fee: £5,000

Duration: approx. 2 months

Closing date: 12:00 BST, 15 September 2023

The Commonwealth Secretariat seeks to engage a qualified Contractor to verify and update content from the existing Commonwealth Blue Charter Funders Database and Commonwealth Blue Charter Training Database into an Excel-based spreadsheet (for use in Google Sheets). These databases list existing training and funding resources suitable for the ten ‘Action Groups’ under the Commonwealth Blue Charter.  The contractor will also review and update, as necessary, an existing user manual to guide the user through the various keyword and filter options. This information will be housed online for use by Commonwealth country officials.  

The selected consultant will need a key combination of skills and experience including:

  • At least five (5) years of experience in research and/or education;
  • An understanding of marine issues (science, policy, or law) is highly advantageous;
  • Experience in fundraising and / or training is advantageous;
  • Experience working with or in (preferably Commonwealth) government(s) is advantageous.
  • Experience working with databases in the past.

Please apply for this contract by submitting a Proposal, CV and a concise cover letter (1-2 pages) to [email protected]  by 15 September 2023.  Applicants must also complete the Quote Submission Documents attached to the Request for Quotation (RfQ) document.

The brief proposal (3 pages maximum) should show how the consultancy would be carried out to meet the specific objectives set out in this TOR. It should include a short statement of the candidate’s relevant expertise and experience. 

Evaluation will be based on competency and cost. Where submissions are similar in quality, preference will be given to Contractors that are Commonwealth citizens.