Location: Remote-Based
Fee: £20,000 + VAT (If applicable )
Closing date: 17:00 pm BST on 27 September 2023

Background and Introduction

The Commonwealth Secretariat and the World Trade Organization (WTO) are undertaking a joint project to assess the implications of Global Economic Fragmentation on SIDS. As part of this project, the two organisations wish to procure the services of a consultant to undertake empirical analysis for the report, especially in relation to maritime, food and energy trade of SIDS.

The global shipping industry is lifeline of the blue economy and international trade. More than 80 per cent of international trade is shipped through sea. The recent disruptions to global value chains caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, war in Ukraine and geopolitical conflicts have compelled several governments and firms to reconsider their external trade dependencies in an effort to develop more resilient supply chains. Many large economies are exploring alternative strategies of ‘nearshoring’, ‘reshoring’ (bringing manufacturing back to the home country) and ‘friendshoring’ (moving manufacturing to trusted allies). These sourcing strategies are fuelling global economic fragmentation (GEF) characterised by the world economy split in two or three distinct trading blocs, with additional splintering expected along technology and payment systems. 

The GEF could lead to re-orientation of for global shipping patterns[1], with potentially adverse effects on trade flows of small island developing states (SIDS). The world’s 39 (SIDS) (see Table 1 for the list of these countries) remain highly dependent on shipping for their food and energy supplies. These two commodities constitute a quarter of their merchandise imports and exports, on average, but for some countries this share could be as high as 90 per cent. SIDS’s large dependence on global markets for the essential supplies makes them highly vulnerable to external shocks. These economies have very high trade costs as they are located in remote parts of the world, with very low shipping frequency and small production base. Any re-orientation of shipping routes the GEF could cause severe would have severe implications for food and energy security in these countries.

This study will examine the impacts a potential GEF could have on the shipping of food and energy commodities to SIDS. It will explore knock-on effects of these disruption on trade flows, economic growth, and prices for consumers.


The expected output will be a modelling results, power point presentation and a report of approximately 15,000 words that would contribute to a wider project of the Commonwealth Secretariat and the WTO on the implications of Global Economic Fragmentation on SIDS.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  1. Solid understanding and knowledge of international trade flows and challenges of food and energy security faced by SIDS.
  2. Strong research design and report writing skills, including capacity to prepare accurate, relevant, reliable and analytical legal and policy reports.
  3. Strong technical drafting and editing skills with attention to detail.
  4. Ability to work under pressure while keeping to timelines.
  5. Ability to work with a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail on complex assignments.
  6. Sound organisational and planning skills, including proven ability of meeting strict deadlines.
  7. Reasonable flexibility to adapt to limited changes in the terms of reference.
  8. Strong interpersonal and communication skills and ability to work constructively with internal and external stakeholders]

Please apply for this contract by submitting a Proposal to [email protected] by 5PM BST on 27 September 2023.  Applicants must also complete the Quote Submission Documents attached to the Request for Quotation (RFQ) document.

[1] https://www.metroshipping.co.uk/news/2m-split-by-msc-and-maersk-to-tran…