Commonwealth Engineers Council (CEC)

The CEC links professional engineering institutions of the Commonwealth to foster cooperation and exchange of information, support the development of indigenous engineering institutions, and foster the education, training and professional development of engineers.

The Commonwealth Engineers Council is a global network whose aim is to advance the science, art and practice of engineering for the benefit of humankind.  CEC Membership is open to all engineering institutions and societies across the 56 countries of the Commonwealth.  Engineering is at the heart of social and economic development. As engineers we recognise our responsibility and the importance of working closely with other professions and with the engineering community at large.

The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) in the UK currently serves as the Secretariat for the Commonwealth Engineers’ Council. ICE’s ties to CEC have been longstanding, and the current CEC President is ICE Past-president Paul Jowitt.

Contributing to ICE’s overall international development work, CEC strives to strengthen the contribution of engineers to the achievement of sustainable and appropriate development solutions, and along with its members, is fully committed to the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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