Statement by Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Maldives

10 October 2013

The Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Maldives, Sir Donald McKinnon, has noted the decision of the Supreme Court of Maldives to annul the first round of the Maldives Presidential election.

Sir Donald acknowledged positively the preparations currently being undertaken by the Elections Commission to enable a new election to be held on 19 October 2013.

“I encourage all Maldivians again to ensure that the Presidential election is fully inclusive, credible and peaceful, so that the people of Maldives are free to choose their President from among those candidates already officially approved, and the inauguration can take place on 11 November.”

A Commonwealth Observer Group was present in Maldives from 31 August – 14 September and reported positively on the credibility of the electoral process.