Maldives presidential election: statement by Commonwealth Special Envoy on 12 November 2013

12 November 2013

The Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, Sir Donald McKinnon, visited Malé from 3 to 12 November 2013 to offer his support to Maldives in its efforts to conclude the current presidential elections and develop political stability.


The Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, Sir Donald McKinnon, visited Malé from 3 to 12 November 2013 to offer his support to Maldives in its efforts to conclude the current presidential elections and develop political stability.

Sir Don said today: “Maldives is currently in the middle of a critical period. The stop-start nature of the electoral process over the last two months has been very hard for everyone. Voters deserve more predictability in their electoral timetable.

“It is the people of Maldives, rather than the international community, who are important in developing a way forward. However, I know that international partners genuinely want to help Maldivian people get through the next round of the election, clearly and successfully, so that the country can benefit from the end of what has been a difficult two-year period.

“In the past 19 months in which I’ve been coming to Maldives, I’ve been aware of an increasingly stronger determination by the citizens of Maldives to want to participate in the future of their country, to want to see an improvement in their governing institutions, and to want to move forward and focus on promoting Maldivian success stories. I urge political leaders and stakeholders to make this happen, by enabling a credible election to take place this Saturday, 16 November, and an elected president to be sworn in shortly thereafter.

“I wish everyone well for a successful election day on 16 November."