Maldives ex-president granted travel for medical treatment

17 January 2016

Maldives Government permits former President Nasheed to travel to the United Kingdom for medical treatment.

Responding today to an announcement by the Maldives Government that it is permitting former President Nasheed to travel to the United Kingdom for medical treatment, the Commonwealth Secretary-General's Spokesperson said:

"We are pleased that Mr Nasheed is able to obtain the medical treatment abroad that he had requested. The Commonwealth welcomes this decision of the Government. The Commonwealth also hopes the Government's decision will contribute to a positive climate for the resumption of dialogue between Government and Opposition parties aimed at resolving political tensions and advancing Commonwealth political values in Maldives.”

Former President Mohamed Nasheed is currently serving a thirteen year prison sentence following his conviction in 2015 under the Prevention of Terrorism Act 1990 on charges relating to the detention of a judge during his Presidency.