Consultation with Commonwealth Accredited Organisations

15 May 2015

Representatives of Commonwealth Accredited Organisations gathered yesterday at Marlborough House, the London headquarters of the Commonwealth.

Representatives of Commonwealth Accredited Organisations gathered yesterday at Marlborough House, the London headquarters of the Commonwealth, for a consultation with Commonwealth Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma and other senior officials of the Commonwealth Secretariat.

The meeting was the first under the new configuration which brings responsibility for liaison with Commonwealth civil society and strategic partnerships into the Secretary-General’s Office. This reflects the fresh emphasis in the Secretariat’s current Strategic Plan on working in close collaboration with Accredited Organisations across a range of activities, including attendance at international and regional summits.

In his opening remarks the Secretary-General spoke highly of the part played by civil society organisations, and especially those accredited to the Commonwealth, in strengthening the networks of the Commonwealth, and reinforcing the sense of kinship and affinity that are a distinctive feature of Commonwealth connection.

Looking forward to the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), taking place in Malta this November, the Secretary-General commented on the unique convening power of the Commonwealth that will be seen at the associated People’s, Business, Youth, and Women’s Forums. He remarked on the central role of Commonwealth Accredited Organisations at each of the Forums, and through them for conveying to Heads of Government the priority concerns of citizens in all 53 Commonwealth member states.