Concern expressed regarding recent developments in the Maldives

10 May 2015

Secretary-General meets with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives.

The Commonwealth Secretariat Spokesperson today confirmed, following media queries, that the Commonwealth Secretary-General, Kamalesh Sharma, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Maldives, Hon Dunya Maumoon on Friday, 8 May at Marlborough House in London.

During the meeting, the Secretary-General expressed his concern regarding recent developments in the Maldives. The Secretary-General stressed the importance of adherence to the Commonwealth’s fundamental political values, including the separation of powers and the rule of law. The Secretary-General also highlighted the importance of freedom of expression and space for the opposition.

The Secretary-General welcomed the intention of the Maldives Government to address the concerns that had been expressed and to work in partnership with the Commonwealth.